Unit 'EditBtn' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

TCustomEditButton - base class for TEditButton, an Edit Box with attached Speed Button.


Source position: editbtn.pas line 63

type TCustomEditButton = class(TCustomAbstractGroupedEdit)


  procedure ButtonClick; virtual;


Performs actions needed when the button for the control is clicked.

  procedure BuddyClick; override;


Performs actions needed when the Button for the control is clicked.

  function GetEditorClassType; override;


Gets the class type used to create a new edit control instance in the class.

  function GetBuddyClassType; override;


Gets the class type used to create the associated button control for the class.

  class function GetControlClassDefaultSize; override;


Gets the default size used for new instances of the class.

  function CalcButtonVisible; virtual;


Determines whether the Button for the control should be visible.

  function GetDefaultGlyphName; virtual;


Gets the name of the default glyph resource used for the Button on the control.

  procedure CalculatePreferredSize(); override;


  procedure CheckButtonVisible;


Ensures the Button for the control is configured and its visibility is set.

  procedure LoadDefaultGlyph;


Loads the default glyph displayed on the Button for the control.

  procedure GlyphChanged(); virtual;


Performs action needed when the glyph assigned in Button has been changed.

  property Button: TSpeedButton; [r]


TSpeedButton instance used on the edit control.

  property ButtonCaption: TCaption; [rw]


Contains the caption used for the Button on the edit control.

  property ButtonCursor: TCursor; [rw]


Cursor shape displayed when the mouse hovers over the Button in the control.

  property ButtonHint: TTranslateString; [rw]


Text displayed in the pop-up hint window when the mouse hovers over the button.

  property ButtonOnlyWhenFocused: Boolean; [rw]


ButtonOnlyWhenFocused - if True, the SpeedButton only appears when focus is given to the EditButton control.

  property ButtonWidth: Integer; [rw]


Width for the TSpeedButton on the edit control.

  property Edit: TEbEdit; [r]


Edit is the TEbEdit control used to perform direct input for the value in the grouped edit control.

  property Flat: Boolean; [rw]


When True, the SpeedButton has a flat appearance rather than a three-dimensional one.

  property FocusOnButtonClick: Boolean; [rw]


Indicates if the focus is changed to the Edit control after the Button is clicked.

  property Glyph: TBitmap; [rw]


Glyph - the small graphic image on the SpeedButton, which ought to indicate its function.

  property NumGlyphs: Integer; [rw]


NumGlyphs - the number of available glyphs.

  property Images: TCustomImageList; [rw]


Contains the Images that can be displayed on the Button for the grouped edit control.

  property ImageIndex: TImageIndex; [rw]


Ordinal position in Images for the bitmap displayed on the Button control.

  property ImageWidth: Integer; [rw]


Specifies the width of the image displayed on the Button control.

  property Spacing: Integer;


Specifies the number of pixels reserved between the Edit and Button controls when Button is visible.

  property OnButtonClick: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


OnButtonClick - event handler for a mouse click on the SpeedButton.


  constructor Create(); override;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.





TCustomEditButton - base class for TEditButton, an Edit Box with attached Speed Button.







The base class for windowed controls which paint themselves.




Implements a windowed control which can contain other child controls.




The base class for visible controls.







TCustomEditButton is a TCustomAbstractGroupedEdit descendant which implements a composite control with both an Edit and a Button. It provides overridden methods which extend or re-implement those found in the ancestor classMost of the properties in the class are declared as protected, and must be exposed as public or published properties in an ancestor class like TEditButton.

See also



Edit is the TEbEdit control used to perform direct input for the value in the grouped edit control.



TSpeedButton instance used on the edit control.



OnButtonClick - event handler for a mouse click on the SpeedButton.



Implements a grouped edit control with both an Edit and a Button.

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