Unit 'GroupedEdit' Package
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[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]


Source position: groupededit.pp line 62

type TCustomAbstractGroupedEdit = class(TCustomControl)


  class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;


  procedure CalculatePreferredSize(); override;


  function CreateBuddy; virtual;


  function CreateEditor; virtual;


  procedure FocusAndMaybeSelectAll;


  function GetEditorClassType; virtual;


  function GetBuddyClassType; virtual; abstract;


  class function GetControlClassDefaultSize; override;


  procedure SetDirectInput(); virtual;


  function RealGetText; override;


  procedure RealSetText(); override;


  function GetEditPopupMenu;


  function GetBuddyCaption;


  function GetBuddyCursor;


  function GetBuddyHint;


  function GetBuddyWidth;


  function GetBuddyVisible;


  procedure SetBuddyCaption();


  procedure SetBuddyCursor();


  procedure SetBuddyHint();


  procedure SetBuddyWidth();


  procedure SetBuddyVisible();


  procedure BuddyClick; virtual;


  procedure DoEnter; override;


  procedure EditChange; virtual;


  procedure EditClick; virtual;


  procedure EditContextPopup(); virtual;


  procedure EditDblClick; virtual;


  procedure EditDragDrop(); virtual;


  procedure EditDragOver(); virtual;


  procedure EditEditingDone; virtual;


  procedure EditEndDrag(); virtual;


  procedure EditEnter; virtual;


  procedure EditExit; virtual;


  procedure EditKeyDown(); virtual;


  procedure EditKeyPress(); virtual;


  procedure EditKeyUp(); virtual;


  procedure EditMouseDown(); virtual;


  procedure EditMouseUp(); virtual;


  procedure EditMouseEnter; virtual;


  procedure EditMouseLeave; virtual;


  procedure EditMouseMove(); virtual;


  procedure EditMouseWheel();


  procedure EditMouseWheelUp(); virtual;


  procedure EditMouseWheelDown(); virtual;


  procedure EditUtf8KeyPress(); virtual;


  procedure EditStartDrag(); virtual;


  procedure UpdateSpacing;


  procedure CheckCursor;


  procedure CMParentColorChanged(); message;


  function EditCanModify; virtual;


  procedure GetSel();


  function GetSpacing; virtual;


  procedure SetSel();


  procedure Loaded; override;


  procedure Reset; virtual;


  procedure SetAutoSize(); override;


  procedure SetColor();


  procedure SetCursor(); override;


  procedure ShouldAutoAdjust(); override;


  property AutoSelect: Boolean; [rw]


  property AutoSelected: Boolean; [rw]


  property Buddy: TControl; [r]


  property BuddyCaption: TCaption; [rw]


  property BuddyCursor: TCursor; [rw]


  property BuddyHint: TTranslateString; [rw]


  property BuddyWidth: Integer; [rw]


  property DirectInput: Boolean; [rw]


  property BaseEditor: TGEEdit; [r]


  property EditMask: string; [rw]


  property EditText: string; [rw]


  property FocusOnBuddyClick: Boolean; [rw]


  property IsMasked: Boolean; [r]


  property Layout: TLeftRight; [rw]


  property Spacing: Integer; [rw]


  property OnBuddyClick: TNotifyEvent; [rw]



  constructor Create(); override;


  destructor Destroy; override;


  procedure SetFocus; override;


  function Focused; override;


  procedure Clear;


  procedure ClearSelection; virtual;


  procedure CopyToClipboard; virtual;


  procedure CutToClipboard; virtual;


  procedure PasteFromClipboard; virtual;


  procedure SelectAll;


  procedure Undo; virtual;


  procedure ValidateEdit; virtual;


  property Autosize: Boolean;


  property AutoSizeHeightIsEditHeight: Boolean; [rw]


  property Alignment: TAlignment; [rw]


  property CanUndo: Boolean; [r]


  property CaretPos: TPoint; [rw]


  property CharCase: TEditCharCase; [rw]


  property Color: TColor; [rws]


  property ParentColor: Boolean; [rw]


  property EchoMode: TEchoMode; [rw]


  property HideSelection: Boolean; [rw]


  property MaxLength: Integer; [rw]


  property Modified: Boolean; [rw]


  property NumbersOnly: Boolean; [rw]


  property PasswordChar: char; [rw]


  property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; [rw]


  property ReadOnly: Boolean; [rw]


  property SelLength: Integer; [rw]


  property SelStart: Integer; [rw]


  property SelText: string; [rw]


  property TabStop: Boolean; [rw]


  property Text: TCaption;


  property TextHint: TTranslateString; [rw]


  property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


  property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


  property OnContextPopup: TContextPopupEvent; [rw]


  property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


  property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; [rw]


  property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; [rw]


  property OnEditingDone: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


  property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; [rw]


  property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


  property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


  property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; [rw]


  property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; [rw]


  property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; [rw]


  property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; [rw]


  property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


  property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


  property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; [rw]


  property OnMouseWheel: TMouseWheelEvent; [rw]


  property OnMouseWheelUp: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent; [rw]


  property OnMouseWheelDown: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent; [rw]


  property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; [rw]


  property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent; [rw]


  property OnUtf8KeyPress: TUTF8KeyPressEvent; [rw]









The base class for windowed controls which paint themselves.




Implements a windowed control which can contain other child controls.




The base class for visible controls.






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