Unit 'EditBtn' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Gets the name of the default glyph resource used for the Button on the control.


Source position: editbtn.pas line 96

protected function TCustomEditButton.GetDefaultGlyphName: string; virtual;

Function result

Default resource name for the glyph image on the Button in the control.


GetDefaultGlyphName is String function used to get the default resource name with the glyph image for the Button on the control. It is used in the LoadDefaultGlyph method to assign the LCLGlyphName for the TButtonGlyph instance used in the control.

GetDefaultGlyphName is a virtual method in TCustomEditButton, and does not provide an actual value (other than an empty string). It must be re-implemented in a descendant class to return the name for its glyph resource. Descendants include:

See also



Base class for edit controls which filter data in an associated control like TListbox or TTreeview.



TFileNameEdit - an EditBox to hold a filename, with an attached SpeedButton that summons a File Open dialog.



TDirectoryEdit - an EditBox to hold a directory name, with an attached SpeedButton that summons a Directory Open dialog.



Implements a control with an edit box for a date value and an attached speed button to display a date selection (calendar) dialog.



Implements a control used to edit time values.



Implements an numeric edit control with a button to display a calculator dialog.



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