I can tell not only about bugs, but also anticipate your answer

you will immediately say that these are problems of the lazarus libraries and the implementation of widgets of various subversions of gtk2 and qt

however, you are delivering a complete product whose functionality suffers due to underlying resource issues. doesn't it make sense to make an lcl revision instead of just copying it?
however, all of the above, in no case, is not a claim! I am grateful for your work and regularly use your product in my work.
if you really need it, I can dig into old projects in search of "crutches" to bypass native glitches.
things to do regularly:
change links to database libraries in sqldb package;
never use the TCoolBar component;
enable conditional compilation when using TTrayIcon, taking into account the target graphics platform;
add your own hotkey processing library for all TStringGrid descendants, since in the basic version it stupidly intercepts all keyboard activity;
I don't remember from which version, but now console applications that use dynamic loading of external libraries are terminated only by killall -5.
in general, I have written more than 2000 lines of code in my base framework to work around many errors in the logic of most components.
I practically do not use sets of components and libraries that are not included in the basic set of fpc and lazarus, so my review will turn out to be completely incomplete

but the summary looks like this: you are really ignoring the big debian platform related sector and aiming to create a hello world app development platform with only blackjack and...
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