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TFZPageControl: how to add a page at runtime? 9 years 8 months ago #6383

  • Matteo Riso
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I'm pretty new to CodeTyphon and I'm loving it day after day.
I'm having some trouble with the TFZPageControl.
I would like to add a page at runtime but it seems I can't figure out how to achieve that result.

Thanks for such a wonderful IDE!
ZipGenius - the free file compression suite for Windows (and Linux soon).

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TFZPageControl: how to add a page at runtime? 9 years 8 months ago #6384

  • Sternas Stefanos
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Thanks Sir
Have fun..

For run time my suggestion :
unit Unit1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, FZCommon, FZBase, Forms, Controls, Graphics,
  { TForm1 }
  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    FZButton1: TFZButton;
    FZPageControl1: TFZPageControl;
    procedure FZButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
    FZPageControl1Pg1: TFZVirtualPage;
    { public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.lfm}

procedure TForm1.FZButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
 FZPageControl1Pg1:= TFZVirtualPage.Create(FZPageControl1);  //<=== this is  Mandatory
 FZPageControl1Pg1.Parent:=FZPageControl1;      //<===  this is  Mandatory

 with FZPageControl1Pg1 do    //<===  this is  optional
      Left := 0;
      Height := 178;
      Top := 22 ;
      Width := 240 ;
      Appearance.Border.Normal.Color := clSilver ;
      Appearance.Border.Normal.Width := 1   ;
      Appearance.Border.Normal.Option := [mboTop, mboBottom]   ;
      Appearance.Border.Normal.Visible := True   ;
      Appearance.Border.Hover.Color := clBlack;
      Appearance.Border.Hover.Width := 0 ;
      Appearance.Border.Hover.Option := [mboTop, mboLeft, mboBottom, mboRight]  ;
      Appearance.Border.Hover.Visible := True  ;
      Appearance.Border.HotTrack := False ;
      Appearance.Color.Normal := clDefault ;
      Appearance.Color.Hover := clDefault;
      Appearance.Color.HotTrack := False ;
      Appearance.Font.HotTrack := False ;
      Align := alClient ;
      Visible := False ;
      TabOrder := 1   ;
      Caption := 'PAGE1';


PilotLogic Architect and Core Programmer
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Last edit: by Sternas Stefanos.

TFZPageControl: how to add a page at runtime? 9 years 8 months ago #6385

  • medios
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// //
// Procedure qui ajoute une nouvelle page dans tpagecontrol //
// Maj le 07/10/2014 At 21:33 //
procedure TAcceuil.ButtonAddPage(Sender: TObject);
var NewTab : TTabSheet; //Déclaration du nouveau Tab
NewTab := TTabSheet.Create(PageAcceuil) ;
NewTab.PageControl := PageAcceuil;

NewTab.Caption := 'Nouvelle page';
NewTab.Caption:=InputBox('Ajout nouvelle page','Donner un nom de page', 'Nouvelle page');
PageAcceuil.ActivePage := NewTab;

// //
// Procedure qui control le click sur la croix close du TabSheet //
// Maj le 07/10/2014 //
procedure TAcceuil.PageAcceuilCloseTabClicked(Sender: TObject);
vTabsheet : TTabSheet;
vPage : integer;
vTabsheet := Sender as TTabsheet;
vPage := vTabsheet.PageIndex;

//Empécher la fermeture de l'anglet principal (TabAcceuil)
IF vTabsheet.PageIndex = 0 then
ShowMessage('Fermeture non autorisé');
Exit ;

//On ferme le TabSheet

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TFZPageControl: how to add a page at runtime? 9 years 8 months ago #6386

  • Sternas Stefanos
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Thanks Sir
can you attach (zip first) a simple sample for CodeOcean ?
PilotLogic Architect and Core Programmer

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TFZPageControl: how to add a page at runtime? 9 years 8 months ago #6387

  • Matteo Riso
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Dear Sternas, your solutions was right but I had to customize it a little bit.
In fact, while the first two mandatory lines of your sample have helped me adding a new tab, that tab looked a bit malformed: no styling, no caption, TFZPageControl menu not visible... (attachment #1)

I had to dig a bit and found a good solution in "allfzregister.pas", where the code creates the extension for the properties editor where you can add pages at design time. In fact that creates good looking tabs and it helped me to find out how to add a page at runtime without messing up the layout. (attachment #2)

Here is my actual code:
procedure TMainForm.ToolButton2Click(Sender: TObject);
   myTab: TFZVirtualPage;
     myTab:=TFZVirtualPage.Create(pagecontrol1.Owner ); // specifying ".Owner" is MANDATORY.
     mytab.Caption :='aaaa';  // Don't know why but this line gets ignored....
     mytab.Align := alClient;
     mytab.Caption :='PAGE '+inttostr(pagecontrol1.PageCount); // and only this caption will be shown.
ZipGenius - the free file compression suite for Windows (and Linux soon).

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Last edit: by Matteo Riso.
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