Cross-Build for RasberryPi2

The following steps are exactly the same for every CodeTyphon host-OS
(Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, etc)



Download arm-linux--RapberryPi 2 Toolchains

rasberry pi2 1


rasberry pi2 2



Download arm-linux-Raspbian2 OS libraries

rasberry pi2 3


rasberry pi2 4




Build FPC Cross arm-linux--RapberryPi2 element

rasberry pi2 5


rasberry pi2 6



Setup your Project Libraries

rasberry pi2 7


rasberry pi2 8



Setup your Project CPU and OS

Select Target OS=Linux and Target CPU=arm in application "Config and Target" page

rasberry pi2 9



Setup your Project Platform

Select LCLWidgetType=GTK2 in application "Additions and Overrides" page
You can select any Platform (QT4, QT5, CustomDraw, FpGUI, etc) supported by your Rasberry Pi OS.

rasberry pi2 10



Finally build your project

rasberry pi2 11

Now Copy your new application to your Rasberry Pi 2 Box or
to Qemu.

Note: Before execute your new application in Rasberry Pi 2, give executable permitions to you app.

and have fun...