Unit 'Forms' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

The base type for TForm classes.


Source position: forms.pp line 511

type TCustomForm = class(TCustomDesignControl)


  procedure WMActivate(); message;


Handles the LM_ACTIVATE message which activates or deactivates the form.

  procedure WMCloseQuery(); message;


Handles the LM_CLOSEQUERY message used to close the window.

  procedure WMHelp(); message;


Handles the LM_HELP window message for the form.

  procedure WMShowWindow(); message;


Handles the LM_SHOWWINDOW window message for the form.

  procedure WMSize(); message;


Handles the LM_SIZE window message for the form.

  procedure WMWindowPosChanging(); message;


Notifies the magnetic window manager when the position for a form is being updated.

  procedure WMWindowPosChanged(); message;


Handles the LM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED window message for the form.

  procedure CMBiDiModeChanged(); message;


Handles the CM_BIDIMODECHANGED control message for the form.

  procedure CMParentBiDiModeChanged(); message;


Handles the CM_PARENTBIDIMODECHANGED control message for the form.

  procedure CMAppShowBtnGlyphChanged(); message;


Handles the CM_APPSHOWBTNGLYPHCHANGED control message for the form.

  procedure CMAppShowMenuGlyphChanged(); message;


Handles the CM_APPSHOWMENUGLYPHCHANGED control message for the form.

  procedure CMIconChanged(); message;


Handles the CM_ICONCHANGED control message for the form.

  procedure CMRelease(); message;


Handles the CM_RELEASE control message for the form.

  procedure CMActivate(); message;


Handles the CM_ACTIVATE control message for the form.

  procedure CMDeactivate(); message;


Handles the CM_DEACTIVATE control message for the form.

  procedure CMShowingChanged(); message;


Handles the CM_SHOWINGCHANGED control message for the form.

  procedure WMDPIChanged(); message;


Handles the LM_DPICHANGED window message for the form.

  FActionLists: TList;


Member used to store the action lists associated with the form.

  FFormBorderStyle: TFormBorderStyle;


The border style affects the title bar, border and resize behavior of the form.

  FFormState: TFormState;


State flags for the form.

  class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;


  procedure DoShowWindow; virtual;


Chooses the active control when the form becomes visible at run-time.

  procedure Activate; virtual;


Notifies the OnActivate event handler.

  procedure ActiveChanged; virtual;


An empty implementation in TCustomForm.

  procedure AdjustClientRect(); override;


Excludes borders from the given rectangle.

  procedure BeginFormUpdate;


Increments the form update counter, and disables auto-sizing on the initial update lock.

  function ColorIsStored; override;


Implements the storage specifier for the Color property.

  procedure CreateParams(); override;


Initializes parameters used to create the handle for the form instance.

  procedure CreateWnd; override;


Creates the handle for the widgetset class and updates it Menu and Icons.

  procedure Deactivate; virtual;


Performs actions when the form loses focus.

  procedure DoClose(); virtual;


Notifies handlers of the close action for the form.

  procedure DoCreate; virtual;


Notifies the create handlers for the form instance.

  procedure DoDestroy; virtual;


Signals the OnDestroy event handler for the form instance.

  procedure DoHide; virtual;


Signals the OnHide event handler for the form instance.

  procedure DoShow; virtual;


Signals the OnShow event handler when needed.

  procedure EndFormUpdate;


Decrements the form update counter, and re-enables auto-sizing on the form.

  function HandleCreateException; virtual;


Indicates if an exception in the OnCreate event handler is handled by the application.

  function HandleDestroyException; virtual;


Placeholder for exception handlers in derived classes.

  function HandleShowHideException; virtual;


Placeholder for exception handlers in derived classes.

  procedure InitializeWnd; override;


Initializes the widget, also for AlphaBlend and AllowDropFiles.

  procedure Loaded; override;


Performs actions when the component has been loaded using the LCL streaming mechanism.

  procedure ChildHandlesCreated; override;


Called when handles for child control are created in the form instance.

  procedure Notification(); override;


Handles the notification when a component is added to or removed from the form.

  procedure PaintWindow(); override;


Calls the Paint method using the specified device context in the control Canvas.

  procedure RequestAlign; override;


Calls the user Alignment handler (AlignControls). Here: NOP for a top-level form.

  procedure Resizing(); override;


Performs actions needed when the form processes the WMSize message.

  procedure CalculatePreferredSize(); override;


Calculates the clipping width and height for a top-level form on the monitor WorkArea.

  procedure DoOnResize; override;


Performs a delayed resize action using the DelayedEvent for the control.

  procedure DoOnChangeBounds; override;


Performs a delayed bounds change using the DelayedEvent for the control.

  procedure SetZOrder(); override;


Moves a top-level form in front of or behind all other forms.

  procedure SetParent(); override;


Sets the value for the Parent property.

  procedure MoveToDefaultPosition; virtual;


Moves the form to the location specified in the Position property.

  procedure UpdateShowing; override;


Configures and position the form when its visibility has been changed.

  procedure SetVisible(); override;


Sets the value for the Visible property.

  procedure AllAutoSized; override;


If the form is about to show, calculate its metrics.

  procedure DoFirstShow; virtual;


Executes handlers using the FirstShow handler type.

  procedure UpdateWindowState;


UpdateWindowState is an empty implementation in TCustomForm.

  procedure VisibleChanging; override;


Notifies all VisibleChanging handlers.

  procedure VisibleChanged; override;


Notifies all handlers when the visibility for the form has been changed.

  procedure WndProc(); override;


The general message handler for this control.

  function VisibleIsStored;


Implements the storage specifier for the Visible property.

  procedure DoAutoSize; override;


For internal use only; call AdjustSize instead.

  procedure SetAutoSize(); override;


Sets the value for the AutoSize property.

  procedure SetAutoScroll(); override;


Sets the value for the AutoScroll property.

  procedure SetScaled(); override;


Sets the value for the Scaled property.

  procedure DoAddActionList();


Adds the specified list of actions to the ActionList for the form.

  procedure DoRemoveActionList();


Removes the specified list of actions from the internal list.

  procedure ProcessResource; virtual;


Loads resources needed for the form.

  procedure BeginAutoDrag; override;


Re-implements the auto-drag behavior for forms.

  procedure DoDock(); override;


Docks or undocks the form in the specified dock site.

  function GetFloating; override;


Gets the value for the Floating properties.

  function GetDefaultDockCaption; override;


Default caption displayed when the form is docked.

  procedure CMActionExecute(); message;


Handles the CM_ACTIONEXECUTE control message.

  procedure CMActionUpdate(); message;


Handles the CM_ACTIONUPDATE control message.

  function DoExecuteAction();


Asks all applicable components to execute an action.

  function DoUpdateAction();


Tries all applicable components to update an action.

  procedure UpdateActions; virtual;


Asks all components on the form to update their actions.

  property ClientHandle: HWND; [r]


The Handle of the MDIForm client (container for MDI children).


  constructor Create(); override;


Constructor for the class instance.

  constructor CreateNew(); virtual;


Creates a form instance without a resource (.frm) file.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure AfterConstruction; override;


Performs actions when the form has been created and loaded from its resource file.

  procedure BeforeDestruction; override;


Performs actions before the form instance is physically freed.

  class function GetControlClassDefaultSize; override;


Returns the default dimensions for new instances of the class.

  function BigIconHandle;


Returns the handle for the large icon on the form or in the application.

  procedure Close;


Closes the form.

  function CloseQuery; virtual;


Asks the OnCloseQuery handler whether the form can be closed.

  procedure DefocusControl();


Updates ActiveControl if it is to be de-focused.

  procedure DestroyWnd; override;


Destroys the interface object (widget).

  procedure EnsureVisible();


Ensures that the form is fully visible, and optionally brings it in front of all other forms.

  procedure FocusControl();


Gives focus to the specified control.

  function FormIsUpdating; override;


Indicates if the BeginFormUpdate method has been called without a corresponding EndFormUpdate method call.

  function GetFormImage;


Makes a Bitmap image with the Form content.

  function GetRolesForControl();


Gets the role(s) for the control in a modal form (default or cancel button).

  function GetRealPopupParent;


Gets the form that is the effective parent for the pop-up, dialog, or splash screen.

  procedure Hide;


Hides the control by setting the Visible property to False.

  procedure IntfDropFiles();


Invokes the OnDropFiles handler of the form. This function is called by the LCL interface.

  procedure IntfHelp();


Shows help for a control or menu item. This function is called by the LCL interface.

  function IsShortcut(); virtual;


Determines whether the specified message contains a shortcut or accelerator key.

  procedure MakeFullyVisible();


Resizes the form for the specified monitor.

  function AutoSizeDelayedHandle; override;


Returns True if an auto-size action should be skipped when a form handle is not available.

  procedure GetPreferredSize(); override;


Returns default/preferred height and width, for use in auto-sizing.

  procedure Release;


Marks the form for destruction.

  function CanFocus; override;


True when the form can receive focus.

  procedure SetFocus; override;


Ensures that the control or window handle has focus.

  function SetFocusedControl(); virtual;


Handles a focus change for a control (enter/exit messages).

  procedure SetRestoredBounds();


Sets the bounds for the restored control.

  procedure Show;


Displays the form instance with support for High DPI scaling.

  function ShowModal; virtual;


Displays the form as a modal dialog.

  procedure ShowOnTop;


Displays the form in front of all other forms.

  function SmallIconHandle;


Returns (and optionally creates) the Handle for the small Icon used for the form.

  procedure GetChildren(); override;


Executes the specified callback for all child Controls, and Components with no Parent.

  function WantChildKey(); virtual;


Indicates if key messages in a child control are handled in the message processing loop for the form.

  procedure RemoveAllHandlersOfObject(); override;


  procedure AddHandlerFirstShow();


Adds a handler routine called the first time the form is shown.

  procedure RemoveHandlerFirstShow();


Removes the handler called the first time the form executes its Show method.

  procedure AddHandlerClose();


Adds a handler for a form close event.

  procedure RemoveHandlerClose();


Removes a form close handler added to the form instance.

  procedure AddHandlerCreate();


Adds a handler for a form create event.

  procedure RemoveHandlerCreate();


Removes a form create handler added to the form instance.

  function ActiveMDIChild; virtual;


Returns the currently active MDI child form.

  function GetMDIChildren(); virtual;


Provides indexed access to MDI child forms when used as a MDI form.

  function MDIChildCount; virtual;


Provides indexed access to MDI child forms when used as a MDI form.

  procedure AutoScale;


Sets scaled to True and calls AutoAdjustLayout with the current PPI for the monitor.

  procedure Dock(); override;


Docks the form to the specified dock site.

  procedure UpdateDockCaption(); override;


Gets the combined Caption for DockClients on the form.

  property Active: Boolean; [r]


Indicates if the form is enabled, visible, and has focus.

  property ActiveControl: TWinControl; [rw]


Specifies the active control on the form.

  property ActiveDefaultControl: TControl; [rw]


Specifies the active default control on the form.

  property AllowDropFiles: Boolean; [rw]


Specifies whether files can be dropped onto this form.

  property AlphaBlend: Boolean; [rw]


Allows the form to be drawn with translucency.

  property AlphaBlendValue: Byte; [rw]


The translucence level for the form (0=transparent, 255=opaque).

  property AutoScroll: Boolean; [s]


Indicates if the form can automatically show or hide scroll bars.

  property BorderIcons: TBorderIcons; [rw]


Specifies the icons which appear in the title bar for the form.

  property BorderStyle: TFormBorderStyle; [rw]


The border style affects the title bar, border and resize behavior of the form.

  property CancelControl: TControl; [rw]


The control associated with the Cancel action.

  property Caption: TCaption; [s]


The text displayed in the title bar for the form.

  property Color: TColor;


The background color for the form.

  property DefaultControl: TControl; [rw]


The control associated with the default action for this form.

  property DefaultMonitor: TDefaultMonitor; [rw]


The monitor on which the form is displayed.

  property Designer: TIDesigner; [rw]


The designer object when the form is in design mode.

  property EffectiveShowInTaskBar: TShowInTaskbar; [r]


Value for the ShowInTaskBar property when resolved using the Application settings.

  property FormState: TFormState; [r]


State flags for the form.

  property FormStyle: TFormStyle; [rw]


Indicates the style for the form.

  property HelpFile: string; [rw]


The name of the help file for the form.

  property Icon: TIcon; [rws]


The Icon associated with this Form (in minimized state).

  property KeyPreview: Boolean; [rw]


Allows the form to intercept keystrokes in child controls.

  property MDIChildren []: TCustomForm; [r]


Provides indexed access to MDI child forms when used as a MDI form.

  property Menu: TMainMenu; [rw]


The main menu for the form instance.

  property ModalResult: TModalResult; [rw]


Specifies the return value for a form (or dialog) displayed modally.

  property Monitor: TMonitor; [r]


Contains the Monitor where the form is shown.

  property LastActiveControl: TWinControl; [r]


Tracks focus changes for the active form or the last active control on the current form.

  property PopupMode: TPopupMode; [rw]


Defines where pop-up menus are shown.

  property PopupParent: TCustomForm; [rw]


Parent form which owns the current form instance when displayed as a pop-up window.

  property SnapOptions: TWindowMagnetOptions; [rw]


Contains the form and screen snapping options for the form instance.

  property ScreenSnap: Boolean; [rws]


Indicates whether the form instance can be snapped to an edge on the monitor.

  property SnapBuffer: Integer; [rws]


Distance from (or proximity to) an edge on a snap target where the snapping behavior is automatically engaged.

  property OnActivate: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Handler called when the form receives focus.

  property OnClose: TCloseEvent; [rws]


Handler called when the form is closed. It determines what happens to the form (destroy, hide, etc.).

  property OnCloseQuery: TCloseQueryEvent; [rws]


Event handler signalled when trying to close a form.

  property OnCreate: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Handler called when the form has been created.

  property OnDeactivate: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Handler called when the form is deactivated (loses focus).

  property OnDestroy: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Handler called when the form is destroyed.

  property OnDropFiles: TDropFilesEvent; [rw]


Handler called when files have been dropped.

  property OnHelp: THelpEvent; [rw]


Handler called when Help is requested.

  property OnHide: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Handler called when the form is being hidden.

  property OnResize: TNotifyEvent; [s]


Event handler signalled when the size for the form is changed.

  property OnShortcut: TShortCutEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a key is pressed, before further handling of the key.

  property OnShow: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Handler called when the form becomes visible.

  property OnShowModalFinished: TModalDialogFinished; [rw]


Event handler signalled when modal display of the form has been completed.

  property OnWindowStateChange: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Handler called when the form is minimized, maximized or restored.

  property ParentFont: Boolean;


Uses the font from the Parent when enabled.

  property Position: TPosition; [rw]


The initial placement for the form.

  property RestoredLeft: Integer; [r]


The Left coordinate for the form when it is restored (i.e. changes from minimized or maximized).

  property RestoredTop: Integer; [r]


The Top coordinate for the form when it is restored (i.e. changes from minimized or maximized).

  property RestoredWidth: Integer; [r]


The width of the form when it is resized.

  property RestoredHeight: Integer; [r]


The height of the form when it is resized.

  property ShowInTaskBar: TShowInTaskbar; [rw]


Indicates if the form should be displayed on the system Task Bar.

  property Visible: Boolean; [s]


Indicates if the control is visible on its parent.

  property WindowState: TWindowState; [rw]


Indicates whether the form is displayed in a minimized, maximized, full-screen or normal state.

  property EmbedCustomForm: TComponent; [rw]





The base type for TForm classes.




Provides a designer surface for scaling and layout of its child controls.




Implements a windowed control with scroll bars.




The base class for windowed controls which paint themselves.




Implements a windowed control which can contain other child controls.




The base class for visible controls.







TCustomForm is a TCustomDesignControl descendant that implements the base type for TForm classes.

Forms represent a window or a dialog used as the user interface for a GUI application. It is a container where visual components (such as buttons, labels, edit fields, images, etc.) can be placed. It is also a designer surface which provides design-time support for configuration and layout of the content placed on the form.

TCustomForm acts an abstraction layer which masks implementation-specific routines required for the various widgetsets supported in the Typhon Component Library (LCL). Methods and properties are provided which interact with the underlying Operating System or platform, and provide a common API for form-related operations.

See also



Implements a form used in an LCL application.



Provides a designer surface for scaling and layout of its child controls.

CT Web help

CodeTyphon Studio