Unit 'Forms' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Allows the form to be drawn with translucency.


Source position: forms.pp line 767

public property TCustomForm.AlphaBlend : Boolean
  read FAlphaBlend
  write SetAlphaBlend;


AlphaBlend is a Boolean property which indicates if the form can be drawn with translucency. When set to True, the form is drawn with a degree of transparency and diffusion. This allows other forms (and their controls) which have a lower Z-Order value to be seen beneath the form. The default value for the property is False.

Use AlphaBlendValue to specify the degree of transparency and diffusion applied to the form content.

Changing the value in AlphaBlend causes the widgetset class to be notified of the change at run-time when a handle has been allocated for the form instance. A change to the property value is not rendered at design-time.

AlphaBlend and AlphaBlendValue are used in the implementation of the InitializeWnd method, and passed as arguments to methods in the widgetset class when either of the values are changed.

Remark: AlphaBlend requires support from both the Desktop Environment (DE) and the hardware for the system; it may not work on all hardware, or platform / operating system combinations supported as Typhon targets.

See also



The translucence level for the form (0=transparent, 255=opaque).



Initializes the widget, also for AlphaBlend and AllowDropFiles.

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