Unit 'Forms' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Handler called when the form is closed. It determines what happens to the form (destroy, hide, etc.).


Source position: forms.pp line 800

public property TCustomForm.OnClose : TCloseEvent
  read FOnClose
  write FOnClose
  stored IsForm;


OnClose is a TCloseEvent property which represents the event handler signalled when a form calls its Close or CloseModal method.

OnClose is triggered from the DoClose method immediately before calling any internal form handlers registered for the fhtClose form handler action type. OnClose can be used to determine the action performed in subsequent form handlers by setting the value in the CloseAction argument.

An application must implement and assign an object procedure using the signature for TCloseEvent to respond to the event notification.

See also



Closes the form.



Notifies handlers of the close action for the form.



Type used for an OnClose event handler in a form.

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