Cross-Build for Windows

The following steps are exactly the same for every CodeTyphon host-OS ( Linux, FreeBSD,etc)

NOTE: MS Windows Cross-Build don't need OS-Libraries.



Build FPC Cross Windows element

wincross 1



wincross 2



Setup your Project CPU and OS

Select Target OS=Win64 and Target CPU=x86_64 in application "Config and Target" page

wincross 3



Setup your Project Platform

Select LCLWidgetType=win32 in application "Additions and Overrides" page

wincross 4



Build your project

wincross 5


wincross 10



Install Wine and Run

To install WINE info20 on Debian, Ubuntu, Mint Linux, you can use:

sudo apt-get install wine

wincross 11

Note: WINE support only the basic windows API.


Finally, Run your Window 64bits application on Linux 64 PC

wincross 13


and have fun...