Unit 'Forms' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

The pop-up box containing helpful information that appears when the mouse pointer hovers over an object.


Source position: forms.pp line 983

type THintWindow = class(TCustomForm)


  class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;


  procedure WMNCHitTest(); message;


Handles the WM_NCHITTEST window message for the hint window.

  procedure ActivateSub; virtual;


Sets the bounds for the hint window and configures the auto-hide timer.

  procedure DoShowWindow; override;


Chooses the active control when the form becomes visible at run-time.

  procedure UpdateRegion; virtual;


Updates the Window Region fir the hint window.

  procedure SetColor(); override;


Sets the value for the Color property.

  function UseBGThemes; virtual;


Indicates if a background from theme services is used when drawing the hint window.

  function UseFGThemes; virtual;


Indicates if theme services are used for the foreground rendered for the hint window.

  procedure Paint; override;


Draws the content in the hint window.

  class function SysHintFont; virtual;


System font used to draw text in the hint window.


  destructor Destroy();


Destructor for the class instance.

  constructor Create(); override;


Constructor for the class instance.

  procedure ActivateHint();


Shows the specified hint.

  procedure ActivateWithBounds();


Sets the bounds in HintRect and activates the hint window.

  procedure ActivateHintData(); virtual;


An extended version of ActivateHint with additional data used for the hint display.

  function CalcHintRect(); virtual;


Determines the rectangle required for the hint display.

  function OffsetHintRect();


Moves the hint rectangle by the specified amounts.

  procedure InitializeWnd; override;


Initializes the widget, also for AlphaBlend and AllowDropFiles.

  function IsHintMsg(); virtual;


Indicates if the specified message is relevant to a hint window display.

  procedure ReleaseHandle;


Destroys an allocated handle for the widget.

  procedure SetBounds(); override;


Applies the argument values to the bounds for the control.

  class function GetControlClassDefaultSize; override;


Returns the default dimensions for new instances of the class.

  property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent;


Event handler signalled when a mouse down event is handled for the control.

  property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent;


Event handler signalled when a mouse up event is handled for the control.

  property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse pointer is moved in the control.

  property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse pointer has left the control.

  property Alignment: TAlignment; [rw]


Text alignment used for the hint window.

  property HintRect: TRect; [rw]


Contains the bounds used to display the text for the hint.

  property HintRectAdjust: TRect; [rw]


Contains the bounds with additional space needed for the hint display.

  property HintData: Pointer; [rw]


Pointer to data used to formulate text displayed in the hint window.

  property HintControl: TControl; [rw] experimental ;


Windowed control which is the parent for the hint window.

  property AutoHide: Boolean; [rw]


Does the hint disappear (get hidden) after a while?

  property BiDiMode: TBiDiMode;


Indicates whether text controls use in bi-directional reading.

  property HideInterval: Integer; [rw]


The time after which the displayed hint disappears.





The pop-up box containing helpful information that appears when the mouse pointer hovers over an object.




The base type for TForm classes.




Provides a designer surface for scaling and layout of its child controls.




Implements a windowed control with scroll bars.




The base class for windowed controls which paint themselves.




Implements a windowed control which can contain other child controls.




The base class for visible controls.







THintWindow is a TCustomForm descendant used to display text hints. It is not intended for use with child controls.


HintWindow := THintWindow.Create(nil);
Rect := HintWindow.CalcHintRect(0, 'This is the hint',nil);
HintWindow.ActivateHint(Rect, 'This is the hint');

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