Unit 'Forms' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

A component that provides access to the properties for the current application.


Source position: forms.pp line 1786

type TApplicationProperties = class(TLCLComponent)


  procedure SetCaptureExceptions();


Sets the value for the CaptureExceptions property.

  procedure SetHelpFile();


Sets the value for the HelpFile property.

  procedure SetHint();


Sets the value for the Hint property.

  procedure SetHintColor();


Sets the value for the HintColor property.

  procedure SetHintHidePause();


Sets the value for the HintHidePause property.

  procedure SetHintPause();


Sets the value for the HintPause property.

  procedure SetHintShortCuts();


Sets the value for the HintShortCuts property.

  procedure SetHintShortPause();


Sets the value for the HintShortPause property.

  procedure SetShowButtonGlyphs();


Sets the value for the ShowButtonGlyphs property.

  procedure SetShowMenuGlyphs();


Sets the value for the ShowMenuGlyphs property.

  procedure SetShowHint();


Sets the value for the ShowHint property.

  procedure SetShowMainForm();


Sets the value for the ShowMainForm property.

  procedure SetTitle();


Sets the value for the Title property.

  procedure SetOnActivate();


Sets the value for the OnActivate property.

  procedure SetOnDeactivate();


Sets the value for the OnDeactivate property.

  procedure SetOnException();


Sets the value for the OnException property.

  procedure SetOnGetMainFormHandle();


Sets the value for the OnGetMainFormHandle property.

  procedure SetOnIdle();


Sets the value for the OnIdle property.

  procedure SetOnIdleEnd();


Sets the value for the OnIdleEnd property.

  procedure SetOnEndSession();


Sets the value for the OnEndSession property.

  procedure SetOnQueryEndSession();


Sets the value for the OnQueryEndSession property.

  procedure SetOnMinimize();


Sets the value for the OnMinimize property.

  procedure SetOnModalBegin();


Sets the value for the OnModalBegin property.

  procedure SetOnModalEnd();


Sets the value for the OnModalEnd property.

  procedure SetOnRestore();


Sets the value for the OnRestore property.

  procedure SetOnDropFiles();


Sets the value for the OnDropFiles property.

  procedure SetOnHelp();


Sets the value for the OnHelp property.

  procedure SetOnHint();


Sets the value for the OnHint property.

  procedure SetOnShowHint();


Sets the value for the OnShowHint property.

  procedure SetOnUserInput();


Sets the value for the OnUserInput property.

  procedure SetOnActionExecute();


Sets the value for the OnActionExecute property.

  procedure SetOnActionUpdate();


Sets the value for the OnActionUpdate property.


  constructor Create(); override;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.


  property CaptureExceptions: Boolean; [rw]


Enables exception handling in the Application.

  property ExceptionDialog: TApplicationExceptionDlg; [rw]


Indicates the dialog type displayed for an exception.

  property HelpFile: string; [rw]


Contains the name for the help file in an application.

  property Hint: string; [rw]


The current Hint text.

  property HintColor: TColor; [rw]


The background color for a Hint window.

  property HintHidePause: Integer; [rw]


Indicates how long a Hint remains visible after the mouse pointer is moved.

  property HintPause: Integer; [rw]


The delay before a Hint is shown for a form or control.

  property HintShortCuts: Boolean; [rw]


Enables or disables display of keyboard shortcuts (e. g. on menu items).

  property HintShortPause: Integer; [rw]


The pause before a different Hint is displayed.

  property ShowButtonGlyphs: TApplicationShowGlyphs; [rw]


Allows the platform defaults for glyphs on buttons to be overridden.

  property ShowMenuGlyphs: TApplicationShowGlyphs; [rw]


Sets the default policy for showing or hiding glyph images in menus.

  property ShowHint: Boolean; [rw]


Indicates if Hints are displayed for the application.

  property ShowMainForm: Boolean; [rw]


Allows the main form to be shown or hidden when an application is started.

  property Title: string; [rw]


Contains the title for the application.

  property OnActivate: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when an Activate message is handled in the application.

  property OnDeactivate: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a Deactivate message is handled in the application.

  property OnException: TExceptionEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled to handle an exception in an application.

  property OnGetMainFormHandle: TGetHandleEvent; [rw]


Event handler used to provide a value for the MainFormHandle property.

  property OnIdle: TIdleEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the application enters the idle state.

  property OnIdleEnd: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the application leaves the Idle state.

  property OnEndSession: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a session is ended in the application.

  property OnQueryEndSession: TQueryEndSessionEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled to determine if the current session be be ended, and the application can be closed.

  property OnMinimize: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the application is minimized.

  property OnModalBegin: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a form in the application is displayed as a modal form.

  property OnModalEnd: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the last modal form for the application has been exited.

  property OnRestore: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the application is restored from a minimized / maximized state.

  property OnDropFiles: TDropFilesEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when file(s) are dropped into the application.

  property OnHelp: THelpEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when help is requested in the application.

  property OnHint: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a hint is requested in the application.

  property OnShowHint: TShowHintEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled prior to displaying a hint window.

  property OnUserInput: TOnUserInputEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled to handle user input messages.

  property OnActionExecute: TActionEvent; [rw]


Default handler for unhandled Actions.

  property OnActionUpdate: TActionEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled to update actions used in the application.





A component that provides access to the properties for the current application.







TApplicationProperties is a non-visual component used to provide design-time settings that are applied at run-time to an application, including:

Values for the properties are assigned in the constructor using the currently assigned values in the Application singleton. The assignments can be maintained at design-time.

At run-time, changes to the properties are also assigned to the Application singleton. For event handler properties, the previous routine is removed as a handler and the new handler is added to the Application singleton. When the component is freed, the event handlers are removed from the Application singleton. The changed properties are not assigned to the Application singleton at design-time.

TApplicationProperties is available on the Additional tab in the Typhon IDE Component Palette. TApplicationProperties is similar to the TApplicationEvents class in Delphi.

See also



Constructor for the class instance.



Application management and configuration for a GUI application.



The TApplication singleton.

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