Unit 'Forms' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Application management and configuration for a GUI application.


Source position: forms.pp line 1454

type TApplication = class(TCustomApplication)


  function GetConsoleApplication; override;


Always returns False for a GUI application.

  procedure NotifyIdleHandler();


Signals all idle handlers for the application.

  procedure NotifyIdleEndHandler;


Notifies all Idle End handlers when a new message has arrived.

  procedure NotifyActivateHandler;


Notifies all Activate handlers for the application.

  procedure NotifyDeactivateHandler;


Notifies all Deactivate handlers for the application.

  procedure NotifyCustomForms();


Performs the specified message for all custom forms in the application.

  function IsHintMsg();


Exists for Delphi compatibility only.

  function DoOnHelp(); virtual;


Signals an OnHelp event handler.

  procedure DoOnMouseMove; virtual;


OnMouseMove message handler, updates the Hint.

  procedure ShowHintWindow();


Shows or hides the Hint window for the application.

  procedure OnHintTimer();


Implements an event handler signalled when the timer for a hint display has elapsed.

  procedure SetTitle(); override;


Sets the value for the Title property.

  procedure StartHintTimer();


Starts the timer for display of a hint message.

  procedure UpdateVisible;


Asks the widgetset to update its task bar entries.

  procedure DoIdleActions;


Updates all Actions and hides splash screens.

  procedure MenuPopupHandler();


Implements the OnMenuPopupHandler for the application.

  procedure ProcessAsyncCallQueue;


Calls all methods queued in QueueAsyncCall.

  procedure DoDecLCLRefcountToZero();


Performs actions needed when the reference count for a TLCLComponent instance reaches 0 in the application.

  procedure FreeComponent();


Destroys all components marked for release.

  procedure ReleaseComponents;


Destroys all components marked for release.

  procedure DoBeforeFinalization;


Destroys all components.

  function GetParams(); override;


Returns the command line argument at the specified position.


  constructor Create(); override;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure ActivateHint();


Configures a hint window for the specified mouse position.

  function GetControlAtMouse;


Gets the control under the mouse pointer.

  function GetControlAtPos();


Gets the control which contains the specified position, and optionally updates the internal tracking members for mouse capture when needed.

  procedure ControlDestroyed();


Clears all references to the destroyed control.

  function BigIconHandle;


Returns the Handle for the large application Icon.

  function SmallIconHandle;


Returns the Handle for the small application Icon.

  procedure BringToFront;


Asks the widgetset to bring the last form for the application in front of all other programs.

  procedure CreateForm();


Creates a Form or component, owned by Application.

  procedure UpdateMainForm();


Makes the specified form the MainForm in the Application.

  procedure QueueAsyncCall();


Inserts an asynchronous call into the queue.

  procedure RemoveAsyncCalls();


Removes all calls added via QueueAsyncCall.

  procedure ReleaseComponent();


Safely destroys a component used in the application.

  function ExecuteAction(); override;


Signals an OnActionExecute handler (when assigned).

  function UpdateAction(); override;


Signals an OnActionUpdate handler (when assigned).

  procedure HandleException(); override;


HandleException method for handling an exception; attempts to maintain program execution if possible, otherwise exits gracefully.

  procedure HandleMessage;


Handles pending messages, and enters the Idle state.

  function HelpCommand();


Show help.

  function HelpContext();


Shows context-sensitive help for the application.

  function HelpKeyword();


Shows help for the specified keyword.

  function HelpShowTableOfContents;


Displays the Help Table of Contents using the Help Manager for the application.

  procedure ShowHelpForObject();


When Sender is a TControl, invoke its ShowHelp method.

  procedure RemoveStayOnTop();


Removes the StayOnTop attribute from all visible forms in the application.

  procedure RestoreStayOnTop();


Restores StayOnTop for all forms changed by RemoveStayOnTop.

  function IsWaiting;


True if the application is waiting for a message event.

  procedure CancelHint;


Called when the Hint timer has expired to stop showing the Hint.

  procedure HideHint;


Hides the Hint window.

  procedure HintMouseMessage();


Called when the mouse is over a control with a Hint.

  procedure Initialize; override;


Initializes the widgetset (and more).

  function MessageBox();


Display an message dialog with response buttons.

  procedure Minimize;


Asks the widgetset to minimize the application.

  procedure ModalStarted;


Called when a modal form display is started.

  procedure ModalFinished;


Called when a modal form is closed.

  procedure Restore;


Restores a previously minimized application.

  procedure Notification(); override;


Performs actions when a component is added to or removed from the application.

  procedure ProcessMessages;


Call this method during lengthy operations to ensure the GUI remains responsive.

  procedure Idle();


Called when the application enters the idle state.

  procedure Run;


Loads the form and passes control to the event loop for the application.

  procedure ShowException(); override;


Shows the message for the specified exception and asks the user to abort or continue.

  procedure Terminate; override;


The application is terminated and the component engine is shutdown.

  procedure DisableIdleHandler;


Disables Idle handling.

  procedure EnableIdleHandler;


Resumes Idle handling.

  procedure NotifyUserInputHandler();


Notifies all user input handlers of the specified message.

  procedure NotifyKeyDownBeforeHandler();


Notifies all ahtKeyDownBefore handlers.

  procedure NotifyKeyDownHandler();


Notifies all ahtKeyDownAfter handlers, and eventually reacts to F1 (Help).

  procedure ControlKeyDown();


Handles KeyDown events in a Control, e.g. handles navigation keys.

  procedure ControlKeyUp();


Handles KeyUp events in a Control, e.g. handles Enter and Esc keys.

  procedure AddOnIdleHandler();


Adds an application Idle handler to the list of handlers for the type.

  procedure RemoveOnIdleHandler();


Removes an application Idle handler for the list of handlers for the type.

  procedure AddOnIdleEndHandler();


Adds an application IdleEnd handler to the list of handlers for the type.

  procedure RemoveOnIdleEndHandler();


Removes an application IdleEnd handler.

  procedure AddOnUserInputHandler();


Adds an application user input handler to the list of handlers for the type.

  procedure RemoveOnUserInputHandler();


Removes an application user input handler from the list of handlers for the type.

  procedure AddOnKeyDownBeforeHandler();


Adds an application key down before interface handler.

  procedure RemoveOnKeyDownBeforeHandler();


Removes an application key down before interface handler.

  procedure AddOnKeyDownHandler();


Adds an application key down handler to the list for the type.

  procedure RemoveOnKeyDownHandler();


Removes an application key down after interface handler.

  procedure AddOnActivateHandler();


Adds an application activation handler.

  procedure RemoveOnActivateHandler();


Removes an application activation handler.

  procedure AddOnDeactivateHandler();


Adds an application deactivation handler.

  procedure RemoveOnDeactivateHandler();


Removes an application deactivation handler.

  procedure AddOnExceptionHandler();


Adds an application exception handler.

  procedure RemoveOnExceptionHandler();


Removes an application exception handler.

  procedure AddOnEndSessionHandler();


Adds an application logoff handler.

  procedure RemoveOnEndSessionHandler();


Removes an application logoff handler.

  procedure AddOnQueryEndSessionHandler();


Adds an application logoff query handler.

  procedure RemoveOnQueryEndSessionHandler();


Removes an application logoff query handler.

  procedure AddOnMinimizeHandler();


Adds an application minimizing handler.

  procedure RemoveOnMinimizeHandler();


Removes an application minimizing handler.

  procedure AddOnModalBeginHandler();


Adds an application becoming modal handler.

  procedure RemoveOnModalBeginHandler();


Removes an application becoming modal handler.

  procedure AddOnModalEndHandler();


Adds an application exiting modal state handler.

  procedure RemoveOnModalEndHandler();


Removes an application exiting modal state handler.

  procedure AddOnRestoreHandler();


Adds an application exiting minimized state handler.

  procedure RemoveOnRestoreHandler();


Removes an application exiting minimized state handler.

  procedure AddOnDropFilesHandler();


Adds an application dropped files handler.

  procedure RemoveOnDropFilesHandler();


Removes an application dropped files handler.

  procedure AddOnHelpHandler();


Adds an application Help handler.

  procedure RemoveOnHelpHandler();


Removes an application Help handler.

  procedure AddOnHintHandler();


Adds an application Hint handler.

  procedure RemoveOnHintHandler();


Removes an application Hint handler.

  procedure AddOnShowHintHandler();


Adds an application Hint show handler to the list for the handler type.

  procedure RemoveOnShowHintHandler();


Removes an application Hint show handler from the list for the handler type.

  procedure AddOnGetMainFormHandleHandler();


Adds a handler signalled when the application MainForm handle is retrieved.

  procedure RemoveOnGetMainFormHandleHandler();


Removes a handler used to get the handle for the main form in the application.

  procedure AddOnActionExecuteHandler();


Adds the specified routine to the list of ahtActionExecute handlers for the application.

  procedure RemoveOnActionExecuteHandler();


Removes the specified routine from the list of ahtActionExecute handlers for the application.

  procedure AddOnActionUpdateHandler();


Adds the specified routine to the list of ahtActionUpdate handlers for the application.

  procedure RemoveOnActionUpdateHandler();


Removes the specified routine from the list of ahtActionUpdate handlers for the application.

  procedure RemoveAllHandlersOfObject(); virtual;


Removes all handlers implemented for the specified object.

  procedure DoBeforeMouseMessage();


Performs actions needed before a mouse message is processed in the application.

  function IsShortcut();


Checks whether a handler is available for the shortcut key in the message.

  procedure IntfQueryEndSession();


Called by the interface to confirm the end of a session.

  procedure IntfEndSession;


Called by the interface when the session ends.

  procedure IntfAppActivate();


Called by the interface on application activation.

  procedure IntfAppDeactivate();


Called by the interface on application deactivation.

  procedure IntfAppMinimize;


Called by the interface when the application is minimized.

  procedure IntfAppRestore;


Called by the interface when the application is restored.

  procedure IntfDropFiles();


Called by the interface when files have been dropped.

  procedure IntfSettingsChange;


Called when the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message is handled for the application.

  procedure IntfThemeOptionChange();


Called by the interface when a theme option has changed.

  function IsRightToLeft;


Indicates if BiDiMode contains a value other than bdLeftToRight.

  function IsRTLLang();


Checks the given language name for use of right-to-left reading.

  function Direction();


Gets the TBidiMode value with the direction for the specified language name.

  procedure DoArrowKey();


Uses arrow keys for navigation, if enabled.

  procedure DoTabKey();


Uses the Tab key for navigation, if enabled.

  procedure DoEscapeKey();


Interprets Esc as Cancel action, if applicable.

  procedure DoReturnKey();


Interprets Enter as the default action, if applicable.

  property Active: Boolean; [r]


True if the application is focused.

  property ActiveFormHandle: HWND; [r]

  property ApplicationType: TApplicationType; [rw]


The type of the application (i.e. the sort of device for which it is intended).

  property BidiMode: TBiDiMode; [rw]


The bidirectional mode to use.

  property CaptureExceptions: Boolean; [rw]


Enables exception handling in the Application.

  property DoubleBuffered: TApplicationDoubleBuffered; [rw] platform ;


Indicates if the application uses double buffering.

  property ExtendedKeysSupport: Boolean; [rw]


Controls whether extended key codes are available in key down and key up messages.

  property ExceptionDialog: TApplicationExceptionDlg; [rw]


Indicates the dialog type used for an exception in the application.

  property FindGlobalComponentEnabled: Boolean; [rw]


Enables searching for global components by name.

  property Flags: TApplicationFlags; [rw]


Contains state flags for the application.

  property Handle: TLCLHandle; [rw] platform ;


Provides access to the widgetset handle for the application instance.

  property Hint: string; [rw]


The current Hint text.

  property HintColor: TColor; [rw]


The background color for a Hint window.

  property HintHidePause: Integer; [rw]


Indicates how long a Hint remains visible after the mouse pointer is moved.

  property HintHidePausePerChar: Integer; [rw]


Indicates how long a keystroke extends the time a Hint remains visible (added to HintHidePause).

  property HintPause: Integer; [rw]


The delay before a Hint is shown for a form or control.

  property HintShortCuts: Boolean; [rw]


Enables or disables display of keyboard shortcuts (e. g. on menu items).

  property HintShortPause: Integer; [rw]


The pause before a different Hint is displayed.

  property Icon: TIcon; [rw]


The icon associated with this application.

  property LayoutAdjustmentPolicy: TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy; [rw]


Indicates the layout and sizing policy used for forms and controls in the application.

  property Navigation: TApplicationNavigationOptions; [rw]


Allows switching between controls using keyboard navigation.

  property MainForm: TForm; [r]


Contains the main form for the application.

  property MainFormHandle: HWND; [r]


Window handle for the MainForm in the application.

  property MainFormOnTaskBar: Boolean; [rw] platform ;


Controls whether a button is displayed on the task bar for the main form in the application.

  property ModalLevel: Integer; [r]


The number of modal forms shown.

  property MoveFormFocusToChildren: Boolean; [rw]


Indicates if an active control is focused when a form receives focus.

  property MouseControl: TControl; [r]


Contains the control currently under the mouse pointer.

  property TaskBarBehavior: TTaskBarBehavior; [rw]


Indicates how forms are represented in the task bar.

  property UpdateFormatSettings: Boolean; [rw] platform ;


Indicates if application format settings are updated when changed in a widgetset class.

  property OnActionExecute: TActionEvent; [rw]


Default handler for unhandled Actions.

  property OnActionUpdate: TActionEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled to update actions used in the application.

  property OnActivate: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when an Activate message is handled in the application.

  property OnDeactivate: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a Deactivate message is handled in the application.

  property OnGetMainFormHandle: TGetHandleEvent; [rw]


Event handler used to provide a value for the MainFormHandle property.

  property OnIdle: TIdleEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the application enters the idle state.

  property OnIdleEnd: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the application leaves the Idle state.

  property OnEndSession: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a session is ended in the application.

  property OnQueryEndSession: TQueryEndSessionEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled to determine if the current session be be ended, and the application can be closed.

  property OnMinimize: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the application is minimized.

  property OnMessageDialogFinished: TModalDialogFinished; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a message dialog in the application has been completed.

  property OnModalBegin: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a form in the application is displayed as a modal form.

  property OnModalEnd: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the last modal form for the application has been exited.

  property OnRestore: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the application is restored from a minimized / maximized state.

  property OnDropFiles: TDropFilesEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when file(s) are dropped into the application.

  property OnHelp: THelpEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when help is requested in the application.

  property OnHint: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a hint is requested in the application.

  property OnShortcut: TShortCutEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled to determine if a keystroke message is a shortcut key in the application.

  property OnShowHint: TShowHintEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled prior to displaying a hint window.

  property OnUserInput: TOnUserInputEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled to handle user input messages.

  property OnDestroy: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the application is freed.

  property OnCircularException: TExceptionEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a circular exception occurs before the application is halted.

  property ShowButtonGlyphs: TApplicationShowGlyphs; [rw]


Allows the platform defaults for glyphs on buttons to be overridden.

  property ShowMenuGlyphs: TApplicationShowGlyphs; [rw]


Sets the default policy for showing or hiding glyph images in menus.

  property ShowHint: Boolean; [rw]


Indicates if Hints are displayed for the application.

  property ShowMainForm: Boolean; [rw]


Allows the main form to be shown or hidden when an application is started.

  property Title: string; [rw]


Contains the title for the application.

  property Scaled: Boolean; [rw]


Indicates if forms and controls in the application can be scaled to different display densities (Pixels per Inch).





Application management and configuration for a GUI application.




TApplication is a TCustomApplication descendant which provides facilities used to manage and configure a GUI application. Properties, methods, and event handlers are provided which allow a program to create, execute, monitor, maintain and destroy an application and its forms. Every GUI application contains an Application variable that represents the TApplication or descendent class instance.

TApplication provides a message processing loop that includes hooks for event handlers and exception handling, and supports dispatching messages for TCustomAction instances used in application forms. TApplication provides support for hints and content-sensitive help for forms and controls used in the application. Convenience methods, like MessageBox, are provided to simplify access to dialogs and error messages in the application.

Remark: For the macOS Carbon widgetset, an application is executed via the Application Bundle. As a result, command line parameters are not available to the application instance. The OnDropFiles event handler must be used to detected when associated files need to be opened.

See also



Returns the command line argument at the specified position.



Event handler signalled when file(s) are dropped into the application.





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