Unit 'Forms' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]

TApplication.DoubleBuffered (platform)

Indicates if the application uses double buffering.


Source position: forms.pp line 1718

public property TApplication.DoubleBuffered : TApplicationDoubleBuffered
  read FDoubleBuffered
  write FDoubleBuffered
  default adbDefault;


Double buffering is a technique used to reduce screen flickering when form and controls are (re)drawn. When enabled, an off-screen buffer is used to accelerate drawing operations.

The default value for the property is adbDefault and indicates that the application uses the default capabilities provided by the widgetset.

Remark: DoubleBuffered is a platform-specific property. Only the Windows platform implements double buffering (at the widgetset level) in the current LCL version. Changing the value for the property to True has no effect if double buffering is not implemented for the widgetset used in the Application.

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