Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

TTabControlStrings - the Strings that appear on the tabs of TTabControl.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 680

type TTabControlStrings = class(TStrings)


  function GetTabIndex; virtual; abstract;


GetTabIndex - returns the Index value of the current Tab.

  procedure SetHotTrack(); virtual;


Sets the value for the HotTrack property.

  procedure SetImages(); virtual;


Sets the value for the Images property.

  procedure SetMultiLine(); virtual;


Sets the value for the MultiLine property.

  procedure SetMultiSelect(); virtual;


Sets the value for the MultiSelect property.

  procedure SetOwnerDraw(); virtual;


Sets the value for the OwnerDraw property.

  procedure SetRaggedRight(); virtual;


Sets the value for the RaggedRight property.

  procedure SetScrollOpposite(); virtual;


Sets the value for the ScrollOpposite property.

  procedure SetTabIndex(); virtual; abstract;


Sets the value for the TabIndex property.


  constructor Create(); virtual;


Create - constructor for TTabControlStrings: calls inherited Create then sets many local defaults.

  function GetHitTestInfoAt(); virtual;


Returns hit test results for the specified location at X and Y.

  function GetSize; virtual; abstract;


Gets the size for the String displayed on a tab control.

  function IndexOfTabAt(); virtual;


Gets the ordinal position for the value of the tab at the specified location X, Y.

  function RowCount; virtual;


Returns the number of rows needed (for a multi-row string).

  function TabRect(); virtual;


Returns the coordinates of the rectangle for the tab with specified index.

  procedure ImageListChange(); virtual;


ImageListChange - method for changing the image list.

  procedure ScrollTabs(); virtual;


Scrolls the tabs by the amount specified in Delta.

  procedure TabControlBoundsChange; virtual;


TabControlBoundsChange - method for dealing with a change in the bounds of a Tab Control.

  procedure UpdateTabImages; virtual;


UpdateTabImages - bring the tab images up to date.

  procedure BeginUpdate; virtual;


BeginUpdate increments the Update count.

  procedure EndUpdate; virtual;


EndUpdate decrements the Update count.

  function IsUpdating; virtual;


IsUpdating - returns True if in the process of updating.

  property TabControl: TTabControl; [r]


The TabControl to which these strings apply.

  property TabIndex: Integer; [rw]


TabIndex - the index of the current Tab.

  property HotTrack: Boolean; [rw]


HotTrack - the property whereby the item under the mouse pointer becomes emphasized.

  property Images: TCustomImageList; [rw]


The list of Images associated with the Strings for these tabs.

  property MultiLine: Boolean; [rw]


MultiLine - if True, multiple lines may be used in Tab strings.

  property MultiSelect: Boolean; [rw]


MultiSelect - if True, multiple tabs can be selected, for example by holding down Shift or Ctrl keys while selecting.

  property OwnerDraw: Boolean; [rw]


OwnerDraw - if True, Owner object (or calling routine) can specify drawing methods.

  property RaggedRight: Boolean; [rw]


RaggedRight - if True, strings are un-justified or un-aligned with ragged right margin.

  property ScrollOpposite: Boolean; [rw]


ScrollOpposite - if True, scrolling proceeds in opposite direction to usual.





TTabControlStrings - the Strings that appear on the tabs of TTabControl.



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