Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Implements the base class for tabbed controls in the LCL.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 373

type TCustomTabControl = class(TWinControl)


  procedure DoAutoAdjustLayout(); override;


Performs actions needed to apply the specified auto-adjust layout policy.

  function GetPageClass; virtual;


Gets the class type used to create new page instances in the control.

  function GetListClass; virtual;


Gets the class type used to create the page list class for the control.

  procedure SetOptions(); virtual;


Sets the value for the Options property.

  procedure AddRemovePageHandle(); virtual;


Notifies the widgetset class when a page handle is added or removed in the control.

  procedure CNNotify(); message;


Handles the CN_NOTIFY message for the control.

  class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;


  procedure CreateWnd; override;


Creates the Handle for the widgetset object and displays the selected tab and page.

  procedure Loaded; override;


Notifies the widgetset class of the active page when the control Handle is allocated.

  procedure DoChange; virtual;


Performs actions needed when the active page for the control has been changed.

  procedure InitializeWnd; override;


Copies cached control properties and initializes a new tab control instance.

  procedure Change; virtual;


Performs actions to show or hide pages when the current page is changed.

  procedure KeyDown(); override;


Handles page navigation using the Tab key.

  procedure ReadState(); override;


Updates control flags and reads the data for the component.

  function DialogChar(); override;


Handles an accelerator key for the active page in the tabbed control.

  procedure InternalSetPageIndex();


Updates the internal page index without triggering an OnChange event.

  procedure ShowControl(); override;


Makes the specified page object the active page in the tabbed control.

  function IndexOfTabAt();


Returns the ordinal position for the visible tab located at the specified client coordinates.

  function IndexOfPageAt();


Gets the ordinal position for the page object located at the specified client coordinates.

  procedure UpdateTabProperties; virtual;


Applies property changes for all of the pages on the tab control to the widgetset class instances.

  class function GetControlClassDefaultSize; override;


GetControlClassDefaultSize returns its own defaults, overriding inherited values.

  procedure Notification(); override;


Handles a notification when a component is added to or removed from the control.

  property ActivePageComponent: TCustomPage; [rw]


The active TCustomPage instance for the tabbed control.

  property ActivePage: string; [rws]


Caption for the active page in the tabbed control.

  function GetPage(); virtual;


Gets the value for the indexed Page property.

  function GetPageCount; virtual;


Gets the value for the PageCount property.

  procedure InsertPage(); virtual;


Inserts the specified page into the page list and updates both the page and the control.

  procedure RemovePage(); virtual;


Removes the page object at the specified position in the page list and updates the visible tabs on the control.

  function CanChange; virtual;


Signals the OnChanging event handler prior to updates to PageIndex.

  property DisplayRect: TRect; [r]


Rectangular area used to display information for the tabbed control.

  property Tabs: TStrings; [rw]


Contains the list of pages accessible in the tabbed control.

  property TabIndex: Integer; [rw]


Contains the ordinal position for the active Tab in the control.

  property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the active page (or tab) for the control is changed.


  constructor Create(); override;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destroy - destructor for TCustomTabControl: clears and frees pages and list, then calls inherited Destroy.

  function TabRect();


Gets the client rectangle for the specified tab adjusted to the parent.

  function GetImageIndex(); virtual;


Gets the ordinal position for the image displayed on the tab for the specified page.

  function IndexOf(); virtual;


Gets the ordinal position in the page list for the specified page object.

  function CustomPage();


Gets the page object at the specified position as a TCustomPage type.

  function CanChangePageIndex; virtual;


CanChangePageIndex - determine whether it is permissible to change the index of the page.

  function GetMinimumTabWidth; virtual;


Gets the smallest tab width allowed on the tabbed control.

  function GetMinimumTabHeight; virtual;


Gets the smallest tab height allowed on the tabbed control.

  function GetCapabilities; virtual;


Gets the set of platform-specific tab control options supported for the widgetset.

  function TabToPageIndex();


Gets the real page index for the specified tab.

  function PageToTabIndex();


Maps a LCL page index to a tab index in the widgetset class.

  procedure DoCloseTabClicked(); virtual;


Performs actions needed when the tab for the specified page object is closed.

  property HotTrack: Boolean; [rw]


Enables or disables drawing a "hot-lighted" tab when the mouse pointer is hovered over the control.

  property Images: TCustomImageList; [rw]


Contains the images displayed on the tabs for the control.

  property ImagesWidth: Integer; [rw]


Width for the Images used in the control.

  property MultiLine: Boolean; [rw]


Indicates whether the caption on a tab can have multiple lines of text.

  property MultiSelect: Boolean; [rw]


Indicates whether multiple tabs can be simultaneously selected on the tabbed control.

  property OnChanging: TTabChangingEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled prior to changing the active tab/page on the tabbed control.

  property OnCloseTabClicked: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when a tab is closed.

  property OnGetImageIndex: TTabGetImageEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled to get the image index for a tab on the tabbed control.

  property Options: TCTabControlOptions; [rw]


The set of Options enabled for the tabbed control.

  property OwnerDraw: Boolean; [rw]


Reads and write the value for the OwnerDraw property in Tabs.

  property Page []: TCustomPage; [r]


Provides indexed access to the page objects used on the tabbed control.

  property PageCount: Integer; [r]


Returns the number of page objects stored in the internal page list for the tabbed control.

  property PageIndex: Integer; [rw]


Ordinal position for the selected page on the tabbed control.

  property Pages: TStrings; [rw]


The list of captions for the page objects on the control.

  property RaggedRight: Boolean; [rw]


Enables or disables justified text in the captions for tabs on the control.

  property ScrollOpposite: Boolean; [rw]


Indicates whether unused multi-line tabs are scrolled to the side opposite of the tab position.

  property ShowTabs: Boolean; [rw]


Enables display of tabs on the control when set to True (default).

  property Style: TTabStyle; [rw]


Indicates the appearance or display style used for the tabs on the control.

  property TabHeight: SmallInt; [rws]


Height in pixels for the tabs on the control.

  property TabPosition: TTabPosition; [rw]


Indicates the edge where the tabs for the control are aligned.

  property TabWidth: SmallInt; [rws]


Width in pixels for the tabs on the control.


  property TabStop: Boolean;


Enables or disables navigation using the Tab key.





Implements the base class for tabbed controls in the LCL.




Implements a windowed control which can contain other child controls.




The base class for visible controls.







TCustomTabControl - base class for TTabControl, a series of Tabs along the edge of a display area; selection of a Tab governs the contents of the DisplayRect

A tab control has a series of Tabs and it may or may not contain pages.

See also

Using Multi-Page Controls


MultiPageControls - controls that offer a selection of alternative pages for display.

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