Unit 'ovccal' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Index] [#pl_orpheus]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]


Source position: ovccal.pas line 137

type TOvcCustomCalendar = class(TOvcCustomControl)


  FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle;


  FBrowsing: Boolean;


  FColors: TOvcCalColors;


  FOptions: TOvcCalDisplayOptions;


  FDate: TDateTime;


  FDay: Integer;


  FDateFormat: TOvcDateFormat;


  FDayNameWidth: TOvcDayNameWidth;


  FDrawHeader: Boolean;


  FIntlSup: TOvcIntlSup;


  FMonth: Integer;


  FReadOnly: Boolean;


  FWantDblClicks: Boolean;


  FWeekStarts: TOvcDayType;


  FYear: Integer;


  FOnChange: TDateChangeEvent;


  FOnDrawDate: TCalendarDateEvent;


  FOnDrawItem: TCalendarDateEvent;


  FOnGetDateEnabled: TGetDateEnabledEvent;


  FOnGetHighlight: TGetHighlightEvent;


  clBtnLeft: TSpeedButton;


  clBtnRevert: TSpeedButton;


  clBtnRight: TSpeedButton;


  clBtnToday: TSpeedButton;


  clInPopup: Boolean;


  clBtnNextYear: TSpeedButton;


  clBtnPrevYear: TSpeedButton;


  clCalendar: array [1..49] of Byte;


  clDay: Word;


  clFirst: Byte;


  clLast: Byte;


  clMonth: Word;


  clRowCol: array [0..8,0..6] of TRect;


  cSettingScheme: Boolean;


  clYear: Word;


  clWidth: Integer;


  clMask: array [0..MaxDateLen] of AnsiChar;


  clPopup: Boolean;


  clRevertDate: TDateTime;


  clRowCount: Integer;


  clStartRow: Integer;


  function GetAsDateTime;


  function GetAsStDate;


  function GetCalendarDate;


  function GetDay;


  function GetMonth;


  function GetYear;


  procedure SetAsDateTime();


  procedure SetAsStDate();


  procedure SetBorderStyle();


  procedure SetDate();


  procedure SetDateFormat();


  procedure SetDayNameWidth();


  procedure SetDisplayOptions();


  procedure SetDrawHeader();


  procedure SetIntlSupport();


  procedure SetWantDblClicks();


  procedure SetWeekStarts();


  procedure calChangeMonth();


  procedure calColorChange();


  function calGetCurrentRectangle;


  function calGetValidDate();


  procedure calRebuildCalArray;


  procedure calRecalcSize;


  procedure CMCtl3DChanged(); message;


  procedure CMEnter(); message;


  procedure CMExit(); message;


  procedure CMFontChanged(); message;


  procedure WMEraseBkgnd(); message;


  procedure WMGetDlgCode(); message;


  procedure WMKillFocus(); message;


  procedure calBtnClick();


  procedure CreateParams(); override;


  procedure CreateWnd; override;


  procedure DoOnChange(); dynamic;


  function DoOnGetDateEnabled(); dynamic;


  procedure DoOnMouseWheel(); override;


  function IsReadOnly; dynamic;


  procedure KeyDown(); override;


  procedure KeyPress(); override;


  procedure MouseDown(); override;


  procedure MouseUp(); override;


  procedure Paint; override;


  procedure SetCalendarDate(); virtual;



  constructor Create(); override;


  constructor CreateEx(); virtual;


  destructor Destroy; override;


  procedure SetBounds(); override;


  function DateString();


  function DayString;


  procedure IncDay();


  procedure IncMonth();


  procedure IncYear();


  function MonthString;


  procedure SetToday;


  property AsDateTime: TDateTime; [rw]


  property AsStDate: TStDate; [rw]


  property Browsing: Boolean; [r]


  property Canvas;


  property Day: Integer; [r]


  property Month: Integer; [r]


  property Year: Integer; [r]


  property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; [rw]


  property CalendarDate: TDateTime; [rw]


  property Colors: TOvcCalColors; [rw]


  property Date: TDateTime; [rw]


  property DateFormat: TOvcDateFormat; [rw]


  property DayNameWidth: TOvcDayNameWidth; [rw]


  property DrawHeader: Boolean; [rw]


  property IntlSupport: TOvcIntlSup; [rw]


  property Options: TOvcCalDisplayOptions; [rw]


  property ReadOnly: Boolean; [rw]


  property WantDblClicks: Boolean; [rw]


  property WeekStarts: TOvcDayType; [rw]


  property OnChange: TDateChangeEvent; [rw]


  property OnDrawDate: TCalendarDateEvent; [rw]


  property OnDrawItem: TCalendarDateEvent; [rw]


  property OnGetDateEnabled: TGetDateEnabledEvent; [rw]


  property OnGetHighlight: TGetHighlightEvent; [rw]











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