Unit 'Graphics' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Represents a font used to draw text in an application.


Source position: graphics.pp line 517

type TFont = class(TFPCustomFont)


  function GetCharSet;


Gets the value for the CharSet property.

  function GetHeight;


Gets the value for the Height property.

  function GetName;


Gets the value for the Name property.

  function GetOrientation;


Gets the value for the Orientation property.

  function GetPitch;


Gets the value for the Pitch property.

  function GetSize;


Gets the value for the Size property.

  function GetStyle;


Gets the value for the Style property.

  procedure Changed; override;


Checks for pending updates (if there are any, returns True) or calls inherited Changed.

  procedure DoAllocateResources; override;


DoAllocateResources - calls inherited method then calls GetReference.

  procedure DoCopyProps(); override;


DoCopyProps - calls inherited method; if From argument is another Font, copies specified properties directly.

  procedure DoDeAllocateResources; override;


DoDeAllocateResources - frees references then calls inherited method.

  procedure SetCharSet();


Sets the value for the CharSet property.

  procedure SetColor();


Sets the value for the Color property.

  function GetColor;


Gets the value for the Color property.

  procedure SetFlags(); override;


Sets the value for an indexed style flag.

  procedure SetFPColor(); override;


Sets the font Color to the specified TFPColor value.

  procedure SetHeight();


Sets the value for the Height property.

  procedure SetName(); override;


Sets the value for the Name property.

  procedure SetOrientation(); override;


Sets the value for the Orientation property.

  procedure SetPitch();


Sets the value for the Pitch property.

  procedure SetSize(); override;


SetSize - if AValue is a new size, frees the old reference, calls the inherited method, performs the appropriate rounding and sets the Changed property.

  procedure SetStyle();


SetStyle - specify which style to use.

  procedure SetQuality();


SetQuality - specify the quality.


  constructor Create; override;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure Assign();


Copies values from Source to the current class instance.

  procedure BeginUpdate;


Starts an update process for the class instance.

  procedure EndUpdate;


Finishes an update process for the class instance.

  property FontData: TFontData; [rw]


Contains the data describing the font.

  function HandleAllocated;


HandleAllocated - returns True if a handle has been allocated.

  property Handle: HFONT; [rw]


Operating system Handle for the Font.

  function IsDefault;


IsDefault - returns True if this is the default Font.

  function IsEqual(); virtual;


IsEqual - returns True if this Font is the same as the specified Font.

  property IsMonoSpace: Boolean; [r]


Indicates if the font uses fixed-width characters (monospace).

  procedure SetDefault;


Sets font properties to their default values.

  property PixelsPerInch: Integer; [rw]


Display density for the font.

  property Reference: TWSFontReference; [r]


Reference - References made to this Font.


  property CharSet: TFontCharSet; [rw]


Indicates the character set used in the font.

  property Color: TColor; [rw]


Color used to render text using the font.

  property Height: Integer; [rws]


Height for the font (in pixels).

  property Name: string; [rws]


Name of the font.

  property Orientation: Integer; [rw]


Rotation for the current font in 1/10ths of a degree.

  property Pitch: TFontPitch; [rw]


Pitch type of the Font.

  property Quality: TFontQuality; [rw]


Output quality for the Font, such as anti-aliasing.

  property Size: Integer; [rws]


Vertical size for the font in Points.

  property Style: TFontStyles; [rw]


Styles applied to the font face.





Represents a font used to draw text in an application.




TFont is a TFPCustomFont descendant, and provides properties and methods needed to represent a font used in an LCL application.

Most of the information about the font is provided in a TFontData instance used in protected methods like GetData and SetData. Data items in the structure are exposed as properties, and includes: CharSet, Color, Height,Name, Orientation, Pitch, Quality, Size, and Style.

The Reference property provides access to the font Handle in the widgetset implementation.

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