Unit 'Forms' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Design-time Pixels Per Inch for the designer surface.


Source position: forms.pp line 305

public property TCustomDesignControl.DesignTimePPI : Integer
  read FDesignTimePPI
  write SetDesignTimePPI
  stored DesignTimePPIIsStored;


DesignTimePPI is an Integer property that contains the display density (or Pixels Per Inch) used on the designer surface. The default value for the property is 96.

The property value is normally set when the component is loaded using the LCL streaming mechanism. It can be assigned at design-time to the value in ADesignTimePPI only when the new value matches the display density for the current Screen where the designer surface is used. The value can be changed at run-time, but the programmer must ensure that the value is valid for the intended usage.

An EInvalidOperation exception is raised if an invalid value is specified at design-time.

When scaling is enabled in the Application, the value in DesignTimePPI is assigned to the Font for the designer surface.

Use PixelsPerInch to access the run-time display density for the designer surface.

See also



Run-time Pixels Per Inch for the designer surface.



Indicates if the design surface is scaled to reflect changes in display density (Pixels Per Inch).



Indicates if forms and controls in the application can be scaled to different display densities (Pixels per Inch).



The font to be used for text display in this control.

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