Unit 'EditBtn' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Specifies an event handler used to filter data items in TCustomControlFilterEdit.


Source position: editbtn.pas line 216

type TFilterItemEvent = function(

  ItemData: Pointer;

  out Done: Boolean

):Boolean of object;




Pointer to the data for the item examined in the event handler.



Indicates if additional filtering is needed on the title of the item data.

Function result

True if the item matches the filter implemented in the event handler.


TFilterItemEvent is a Boolean object function type that specifies an event handler used to filter data items in TCustomControlFilterEdit. The return value is True if an item matches a filter condition implemented in the event handler. Done can be updated to indicate if the item requires additional filtering on the title string in the data item; when it contains True, no additional filtering is needed.

TFilterItemEvent is the type used for the OnFilterItem event handler in TCustomControlFilterEdit.

See also



An event handler to give extra conditions for filtering, in addition to the default behavior. Returns True if the passes the filter.



Event handler signalled to filter data in the control using its caption or item data.



Specifies an event handler used to filter data items in TCustomControlFilterEdit.

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