Unit 'EditBtn' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Indicates whether items are sorted as they are filtered.


Source position: editbtn.pas line 282

public property TCustomControlFilterEdit.SortData : Boolean
  read fSortData
  write SetSortData;


SortData is a Boolean property which determines whether items in the filtered control are sorted when the Filter value is applied in the private ApplyFilter method. An explicit default value is not assigned for the property, but the default value for the Boolean type is False.

Changing the value for the property causes the InvalidateFilter method to be called. This method sets internal flags to signify a pending update, and enables the asynchronous event handler routine where the filter value is applied and sorting is performed.

Descendant classes provide an overridden SortAndFilter method which performs the actions needed to filter and sort the item data for an associated control type.

See also



Contains the textual used to select the visible items in the associated control.



Applies the Filter data to the container component.



Sets flags and property to indicate that the filter must be reapplied for the control.



Sorts the data in the associated control and applies the filter.

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