Unit 'Controls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Holds maximum and minimum values that can be used in sizing objects.


Source position: controls.pp line 685

type TSizeConstraints = class(TPersistent)


  procedure Change; virtual;


Signals an OnChange handler if assigned.

  procedure AssignTo(); override;


Copies property values to the specified persistent object.

  procedure SetMaxHeight(); virtual;


Sets the value for the MaxHeight property.

  procedure SetMaxWidth(); virtual;


Sets the value for the MaxWidth property.

  procedure SetMinHeight(); virtual;


Sets the value for the MinHeight property.

  procedure SetMinWidth(); virtual;


Sets the value for the MinWidth property.


  constructor Create(); virtual;


Constructor for the class instance.

  procedure UpdateInterfaceConstraints; virtual;


Asks the interface for size constraints.

  procedure SetInterfaceConstraints(); virtual;


Used by the LCL interface to set the widgetset constraints.

  function EffectiveMinWidth; virtual;


Determines the minimum applicable width, given the local and interface constraints.

  function EffectiveMinHeight; virtual;


Determines the minimum applicable height, given the local and interface constraints.

  function EffectiveMaxWidth; virtual;


Determines the maximum applicable width, given the local and interface constraints.

  function EffectiveMaxHeight; virtual;


Determines the maximum applicable height, given the local and interface constraints.

  function MinMaxWidth();


Determines the constrained Width, and transfers it to the widget.

  function MinMaxHeight();


Determines the constrained Height, and transfers it to the widget.

  procedure AutoAdjustLayout();


Adjusts width and height values in the class using the specified scaling factors.

  property MaxInterfaceHeight: Integer; [r]


The maximum height allowed by the widget.

  property MaxInterfaceWidth: Integer; [r]


The maximum width allowed by the widget.

  property MinInterfaceHeight: Integer; [r]


The minimum height allowed by the widget.

  property MinInterfaceWidth: Integer; [r]


The minimum width allowed by the widget.

  property Control: TControl; [r]


The Control to which these constraints apply.

  property Options: TSizeConstraintsOptions; [rw]


Options used to determine the size constraints.


  property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler for a change in the constraints.

  property MaxHeight: TConstraintSize; [rw]


The maximum height.

  property MaxWidth: TConstraintSize; [rw]


The maximum width.

  property MinHeight: TConstraintSize; [rw]


The minimum height.

  property MinWidth: TConstraintSize; [rw]


The minimum width.





Holds maximum and minimum values that can be used in sizing objects.



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