Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Implements a panel displayed in TStatusBar.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 62

type TStatusPanel = class(TCollectionItem)


  FIntfFlag: Integer;


Field used by Widgetset classes. Do not use it in the LCL.

  function GetDisplayName; override;


Gets the value displayed as the name for the collection item.

  procedure PanelChanged();


PanelChanged - method for dealing with a status panel, one or more of whose parts has changed.

  procedure SetIndex(); override;


Sets the value for the Index property.


  constructor Create(); override;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure Assign(); override;


Implements persistence for the class type.

  function StatusBar;


Gets the status bar which contains the class instance.


  property Alignment: TAlignment; [rw]


Alignment - whether left- or right-justified or centered.

  property Bevel: TStatusPanelBevel; [rw]


The type of Bevel for the display.

  property BidiMode: TBiDiMode; [rw]


Introduces BiDiMode support not present in the ancestor class.

  property ParentBiDiMode: Boolean; [rw]


Introduces BiDiMode support not present in the ancestor class.

  property Style: TStatusPanelStyle; [rw]


Indicates whether the panel contains text or is owner-drawn.

  property Text: TCaption; [rw]


Text displayed on the status bar panel.

  property Width: Integer; [rw]


The Width for the panel on the StatusBar.





Implements a panel displayed in TStatusBar.




TStatusPanel is a TCollectionItem descendant which implements panels used in TStatusBar. Instances of the class are created by and stored in a TStatusPanels collection in a TStatusBar control. Use the properties in the panel to control its appearance, size, and textual content.

See also



Collection with the TStatusPanel instances defined for the control.



A collection of panels displayed on a status bar control.

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