Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
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Indicates whether horizontal separator lines are drawn between nodes on the tree view control.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 3700

protected property TCustomTreeView.ShowSeparators : Boolean
  read GetShowSeparators
  write SetShowSeparators
  default False;


ShowSeparators is a Boolean property which enables or disables drawing of separator lines between the nodes on the tree view control. When enabled, a line is drawn across the width of the control between each of the nodes. The values in TreeLineColor and TreeLinePenStyle are used to draw the horizontal line in the DoPaintNode method.

ShowSeparators is a convenience property; its value is read from and written to the Options for the control. ShowSeparators contains True when the value tvoShowSeparators has been included in the Options property, and False if the value has been omitted. Changing the value for the property causes Options to be updated to include or exclude tvoShowSeparators as needed for the Boolean value. The control is redrawn when the value in Options is modified.

See also



The set of options enabled in the tree view control.



Color used to draw the lines which connect the nodes in the tree.



Style of the TPen used to draw lines used to connect nodes in the control.



Renders the specified tree node to the canvas for the control.



Enables an expand/collapse (fold/unfold) icon for nodes with child nodes.



Enables or disables the horizontal and vertical lines which join nodes in the tree hierarchy.



Indicates whether horizontal separator lines are drawn between nodes on the tree view control.

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