Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Image list with the state images for the items on the control.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 1595

protected property TCustomListView.StateImages : TCustomImageList
  index Ord(lvilState)
  read GetImageList
  write SetImageList;


StateImages is a TCustomImageList property which contains the images used to display the state for the list items on the control. A state image is displayed to the left of the icon for a list item. Its meaning or usage is application specific.

Assigning a new image list to the property causes the widgetset control to be updated.

Use StateImagesWidth to override the width for the images in StateImages. If StateImagesWidth has not been assigned, the width in the image list is used.

Use the OnChange, OnItemChecked, or OnDataStateChange event handlers to perform actions like setting the state image index for a list item when a list item is modified.

Remark: The StateImages property is not supported for the macOS Carbon, Cocoa, GTK2, QT4, QT5, and QT6 widgetsets.

See also



Width of the images in the StateImages property.



Event handler signalled when the content for a list item is changed.



Event handler signalled when the Checked property for a list item has been changed.



Not used in the current LCL version.

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