Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Indicates if the Bitmap for the TCoolBar control is used as the background for the band.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 2520

published property TCoolBand.ParentBitmap : Boolean
  read FParentBitmap
  write SetParentBitmap
  default True;


ParentBitmap is a Boolean property which allows the Bitmap assigned to the parent control (TCoolBar) to be used as the background image for the band. The default value for the property is True, and enables use of the Bitmap assigned to the parent control.

Use Bitmap to assign the bitmap graphic displayed on the band. Please note that ParentBitmap is automatically set to False when an explicit value is assigned to the Bitmap property in the class instance.

ParentBitmap and Bitmap are used in the Paint method in TCustomCoolBar when the background is drawn for the band.

Use FixedBackground to control whether the background is drawn at a fixed position instead of tiled.

Use Color and ParentColor to specify the color for the band when a bitmap background is not used.

See also



Indicates if a fixed background is drawn for the band.



Bitmap image displayed for the band.



Background color for the band.



Indicates if the Color in the Parent control (TCoolBar) is used for the band.



Optional image displayed as the background for the cool bar control.



The background color for the control.

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