Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Bitmap image displayed for the band.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 2508

published property TCoolBand.Bitmap : TBitmap
  read FBitmap
  write SetBitmap
  stored IsBitmapStored;


Bitmap is a TBitmap property with the graphic displayed on the band. Its value is stored in component resource stream when the ParentBitmap property is not enabled for the band. Changing the value for the property causes the Changed method to be called to update the item in the band collection for the TCoolBar instance. ParentBitmap is set to False when a value is assigned to the property - even if it is Nil.

The value in Bitmap is used in the Paint method in TCustomCoolBar. It contains the image that is drawn as the tiled background for the band. If Bitmap has not been assigned, the Bitmap for the TCoolBar instance is used when ParentBitmap is enabled. If neither bitmap has been assigned, the band is filled with the Color assigned to the band.

See also



Indicates if the Bitmap for the TCoolBar control is used as the background for the band.



Background color for the band.



Optional image displayed as the background for the cool bar control.



Draws the visible bands for the control on its Canvas.

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