C:\CodeTyphonIns>REM go to current drive C:\CodeTyphonIns>C: C:\CodeTyphonIns>CD C:\CodeTyphonIns\ C:\CodeTyphonIns>REM ECHO Current Dir: C:\CodeTyphonIns C:\CodeTyphonIns>ECHO. C:\CodeTyphonIns>ECHO ========================================================== ===== =============================================================== C:\CodeTyphonIns>ECHO CodeTyphon Studio CodeTyphon Studio C:\CodeTyphonIns>ECHO Version 6.30 (GEN 6) Version 6.30 (GEN 6) C:\CodeTyphonIns>ECHO Installation for MS Windows Installation for MS Windows C:\CodeTyphonIns>ECHO ========================================================== ===== =============================================================== C:\CodeTyphonIns>ECHO. C:\CodeTyphonIns>REM Check for user with Administrator privileges C:\CodeTyphonIns>NET SESSION 1>nul 2>&1 C:\CodeTyphonIns>IF 9009 EQU 0 (GOTO GO_execute ) ELSE ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: "User has NOT Administrator Privileges" ECHO Please, run this script with Administrator Privileges ECHO Installation Aborted... ECHO. Pause GOTO GO_END ) ERROR: "User has NOT Administrator Privileges" Please, run this script with Administrator Privileges Installation Aborted... Presione una tecla para continuar . . .