Unit 'zglHeader' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#pl_zengl]



Source position: zglHeader.pas line 913

type zglTParticleParams = record

  Texture: zglPTexture;


  BlendMode: Byte;


  ColorMode: Byte;


  LifeTimeS: Integer;


  LifeTimeV: Integer;


  Frame: array [0..1] of Integer;


  Color: array of TDiagramLW;


  Alpha: array of TDiagramByte;


  SizeXYBind: Boolean;


  SizeXS: Single;


  SizeYS: Single;


  SizeXV: Single;


  SizeYV: Single;


  SizeXD: array of TDiagramSingle;


  SizeYD: array of TDiagramSingle;


  AngleS: Single;


  AngleV: Single;


  VelocityS: Single;


  VelocityV: Single;


  VelocityD: array of TDiagramSingle;


  aVelocityS: Single;


  aVelocityV: Single;


  aVelocityD: array of TDiagramSingle;


  SpinS: Single;


  SpinV: Single;


  SpinD: array of TDiagramSingle;



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