Unit 'utf8unicodeinfo' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] [#pl_utf8tools]



Source position: utf8unicodeinfo.pas line 227

const DecompStrings: array [1..16] of ShortString = ('A font variant (e.g. a blackletter form).', 'A no-break version of a space or hyphen.', 'An initial presentation form (Arabic).', 'A medial presentation form (Arabic).', 'A final presentation form (Arabic).', 'An isolated presentation form (Arabic).', 'An encircled form.', 'A superscript form.', 'A subscript form.', 'A vertical layout presentation form.', 'A wide (or zenkaku) compatibility character.', 'A narrow (or hankaku) compatibility character.', 'A small variant form (CNS compatibility).', 'A CJK squared font variant.', 'A vulgar fraction form.', 'Otherwise unspecified compatibility character.');

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