Unit 'lpparser' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#pl_lape]



Source position: lpparser.pas line 261

const Lape_Keywords: array [0..54+1] of TLapeKeyword = ((Keyword: 'AND'; Token: tk_op_AND), (Keyword: 'DIV'; Token: tk_op_DIV), (Keyword: 'IN'; Token: tk_op_IN), (Keyword: 'IS'; Token: tk_op_IS), (Keyword: 'MOD'; Token: tk_op_MOD), (Keyword: 'NOT'; Token: tk_op_NOT), (Keyword: 'OR'; Token: tk_op_OR), (Keyword: 'SHL'; Token: tk_op_SHL), (Keyword: 'SHR'; Token: tk_op_SHR), (Keyword: 'XOR'; Token: tk_op_XOR), (Keyword: 'AT'; Token: tk_kw_At), (Keyword: 'ARRAY'; Token: tk_kw_Array), (Keyword: 'BEGIN'; Token: tk_kw_Begin), (Keyword: 'CASE'; Token: tk_kw_Case), (Keyword: 'CONST'; Token: tk_kw_Const), (Keyword: 'CONSTREF'; Token: tk_kw_ConstRef), (Keyword: 'DEPRECATED'; Token: tk_kw_Deprecated), (Keyword: 'DO'; Token: tk_kw_Do), (Keyword: 'DOWNTO'; Token: tk_kw_DownTo), (Keyword: 'ELSE'; Token: tk_kw_Else), (Keyword: 'END'; Token: tk_kw_End), (Keyword: 'ENUM'; Token: tk_kw_Enum), (Keyword: 'EXCEPT'; Token: tk_kw_Except), (Keyword: 'EXPERIMENTAL'; Token: tk_kw_Experimental), (Keyword: 'EXTERNAL'; Token: tk_kw_External), (Keyword: 'FINALLY'; Token: tk_kw_Finally), (Keyword: 'FOR'; Token: tk_kw_For), (Keyword: 'FORWARD'; Token: tk_kw_Forward), (Keyword: 'FUNCTION'; Token: tk_kw_Function), (Keyword: 'IF'; Token: tk_kw_If), (Keyword: 'LABEL'; Token: tk_kw_Label), (Keyword: 'OBJECT'; Token: tk_kw_Object), (Keyword: 'OPERATOR'; Token: tk_kw_Operator), (Keyword: 'OF'; Token: tk_kw_Of), (Keyword: 'OUT'; Token: tk_kw_Out), (Keyword: 'OVERLOAD'; Token: tk_kw_Overload), (Keyword: 'OVERRIDE'; Token: tk_kw_Override), (Keyword: 'PACKED'; Token: tk_kw_Packed), (Keyword: 'PRIVATE'; Token: tk_kw_Private), (Keyword: 'PROCEDURE'; Token: tk_kw_Procedure), (Keyword: 'PROGRAM'; Token: tk_kw_Program), (Keyword: 'RECORD'; Token: tk_kw_Record), (Keyword: 'REPEAT'; Token: tk_kw_Repeat), (Keyword: 'SET'; Token: tk_kw_Set), (Keyword: 'STATIC'; Token: tk_kw_Static), (Keyword: 'STRICT'; Token: tk_kw_Strict), (Keyword: 'THEN'; Token: tk_kw_Then), (Keyword: 'TO'; Token: tk_kw_To), (Keyword: 'TRY'; Token: tk_kw_Try), (Keyword: 'TYPE'; Token: tk_kw_Type), (Keyword: 'UNION'; Token: tk_kw_Union), (Keyword: 'UNIMPLEMENTED'; Token: tk_kw_UnImplemented), (Keyword: 'UNTIL'; Token: tk_kw_Until), (Keyword: 'VAR'; Token: tk_kw_Var), (Keyword: 'WHILE'; Token: tk_kw_While), (Keyword: 'WITH'; Token: tk_kw_With));

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