Unit 'DAV_ChunkWaveCustom' Package
[Overview][Types][Classes][Index] [#pl_asiovst]



Source position: DAV_ChunkWaveCustom.pas line 72

type TItaHeader = packed record

  SampleCount: Integer;


  SampleRate: Double;


  AdOffset: Word;


  KanAnzahl: Byte;


  KanalNr: Byte;


  alleBearb: Boolean;


  Preemph: Boolean;


  LiCursAct: Boolean;


  CursCross: Boolean;


  CursLock: Boolean;


  DrawMode: Byte;


  ODrawMode: Byte;


  Weighting: AnsiChar;


  ZeroOnly: Byte;


  NormMax0dB: Boolean;


  Yzoom: Boolean;


  Xlog: Boolean;


  Ylog: Byte;


  Version: Byte;


  FFTnorm: Byte;


  VoltageRange: Double;


  PasstInsMem: Boolean;


  auch0: Integer;


  inDat: TLRInteger;


  imMem: TLRInteger;


  OfsDiffProKan: Integer;


  SegDiffProKan: Word;


  Re: Pointer;


  fw1: Word;


  Im: Pointer;


  fw2: Word;


  Bq: Pointer;


  fw3: Word;


  FltBW: Single;


  FltSta: ShortInt;


  FltEnd: ShortInt;


  Modus: Byte;


  Hun: Byte;


  Sec: Byte;


  Min: Byte;


  Hour: Byte;


  Day: Byte;


  Month: Byte;


  Year: Word;


  Start: Integer;


  xAxUnit: array [0..2] of AnsiChar;


  yAxUnit: array [0..2] of AnsiChar;


  Rand: TLRInteger;


  Cursor: TLRInteger;


  MainDelay: Double;


  dBBlock: TdBBlock;


  LcursOld: Word;


  RcursOld: Word;


  ADDAident: array [0..19] of AnsiChar;


  Comment: array [0..70] of AnsiChar;



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