Unit 'StdCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Get or set the height of a single item in the control.


Source position: stdctrls.pp line 710

published property TListBox.ItemHeight : Integer;


ItemHeight is an Integer property which contains the height used to render the Items in the control.

The property value is used when the drawing Style for the control is set to lbStandard, or when the handle has not been allocated for the control. For other drawing styles, the property value is determined using the item rectangle used for the first visible item in the list or by using the OnMeasureItem event handler.

Changing the value for the property causes RecreateWnd to be called to re-create the widgetset handle for the control.

The value in ItemHeight may be scaled when AutoAdjustLayout is called using a layout policy that includes auto-adjustment for display density.

See also



The default height for an item displayed in the list.

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