Unit 'StdCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Copies existing string values from the widgetset class.


Source position: stdctrls.pp line 913

protected procedure TCustomMemo.InitializeWnd; override;


InitializeWnd is an overridden method in TCustomMemo. InitializeWnd ensures that property values from widgetset class are stored in the current class instance when handle for the control is created (or re-created). InitializeWnd is called after the handle for the control was created, but before the the handle for child controls is created.

InitializeWnd ensures that string values in the widgetset class (if any) are copied to a new TStrings instance and assigned to the Lines property. The previous TStrings instance in Lines is freed.

InitializeWnd calls the inherited method prior to exit.

See also



Contains the individual lines of text in the multi-line edit control.



Initializes the window handle for the control.


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