Unit 'StdCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Set of TComboBoxAutoCompleteTextOption values.


Source position: stdctrls.pp line 257

type TComboBoxAutoCompleteText = set of (



Enable Auto-Completion features.



Perform Auto-Complete only when cursor is at the end of the string.



Retains the case of characters user has typed. This option has no effect if cbactEndOfLineComplete is not set.



Search for the completion string with case sensitivity.



Search completion strings in ascending order when set. Otherwise, search in descending order.



TComboBoxAutoCompleteText is a set type used to store zero (0) or more values from the TComboBoxAutoCompleteTextOption enumeration. TComboBoxAutoCompleteText is the type used to implement the AutoCompleteText property in TCustomComboBox and descendent classes. It is also the type used for the DefaultComboBoxAutoCompleteText constant which defines the default values used in combo-box controls.

See also



Defines the behavior of the AutoComplete feature in a combo-box control.



Options for the behavior of the Auto-Complete feature.



Default values for the AutoCompleteText property in combo-box controls.

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