Unit 'LCLIntf' Package
[Overview][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Open a given URL with the default browser.


Source position: lclintf.pas line 83

function OpenURL(

  AURL: string





URL with the resource to open in the browser.

Function result

True if the browser was found and called to open the URL.


The function uses FindDefaultBrowser to find the default browser for the platform. If it was found, it is started and the returns value is set to True.

AURL is passed as parameter to the browser application. AURL must be a URL like http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org or file:///tmp/test.txt or file://C:\test.txt. AURL is quoted when passed as an argument to ensure that space(s) in the path or file name are handled properly.

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