Unit 'LCLIntf' Package
[Overview][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Returns the Width and Height of a window, including the window decoration.


Source position: winapih.inc line 161

function GetWindowSize(

  Handle: HWND;

  var Width: Integer;

  var Height: Integer



This function is a Typhon addition and does not exist in the Windows API. It returns the Width and Height of a window, including the window decoration. To get the size of a form without the window decoration just use TCustomForm.Width and TCustomForm.Height or TCustomForm.ClientWidth and TCustomForm.ClientHeight.

See also



Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a window, including the window decoration in screen coordinates.



The width of the client area for the control.



The height for the client area on the control.

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