Unit 'LCLIntf' Package
[Overview][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Draws an elliptical curve.


Source position: winapih.inc line 35

function Arc(

  DC: HDC;

  Left: Integer;

  Top: Integer;

  Right: Integer;

  Bottom: Integer;

  Angle16Deg: Integer;

  Angle16DegLength: Integer





The starting angle in 1/16 degrees, starting right and continuing counter-clockwise.



The length of the arc. A positive value indicates that it goes counter-clockwise from the start angle and a negative value that it goes clockwise.


Use Arc to draw an elliptically curved line with the current Pen.

The angles Angle16Deg and Angle16DegLength are measure in 1/16th of a degree. For example, a full circle equals 5760 (16*360). Positive values of Angle16Deg and Angle16DegLength mean counter-clockwise rotation while negative values mean a clockwise direction, from the point of view of who looks at the screen.

Zero degrees is at the 3 o'clock position (right).

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