Unit 'InterfaceBase' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]

Reference for unit 'InterfaceBase'

Provides a platform-independent widgetset class and helper functions.










Useful lower-level helper functions and classes.





Contains Typhon message codes and their mapping to message codes for other platforms/widgetsets.
















interfacebase.pp contains classes, types, and routines used to define a platform-independent widgetset class (TWidgetSet) and helper functions.

Remark: Modified in LCL version 3.0 to assign the GetLCLWidgetTypeName routine in this unit to the OnLCLWidgetTypeName function variable in lazversion.pas during unit initialization.

interfacebase.pp is part of the Typhon Component Library (LCL).

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