Unit 'Graphics' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


The Style of the Text to be drawn in a rectangle.


Source position: graphics.pp line 139

type TTextStyle = packed record

  Alignment: TAlignment;


Horizontal alignment in the text rectangle.

  Layout: TTextLayout;


Vertical alignment in the text rectangle.

  SingleLine: Boolean;


Indicates if the text is rendered as a single line.

  Clipping: Boolean;


Causes text to be clipped to the text rectangle.

  ExpandTabs: Boolean;


Causes Tab characters to be replaced with spaces.

  ShowPrefix: Boolean;


Draws a single Ampersand characters as an accelerator key decoration.

  Wordbreak: Boolean;


Causes a long line of text to be word-wrapped.

  Opaque: Boolean;


Causes the output to be drawn with full opacity.

  SystemFont: Boolean;


Causes the system font to be used instead of the canvas font.

  RightToLeft: Boolean;


For RightToLeft text reading (text direction).

  EndEllipsis: Boolean;


Indicates if text is "ellipsified" when too long for its rectangle.



TTextStyle is a packed record type which contains setting used when a control draws text using TextOut or TextRect. It is used to save, restore and configure values needed for the canvas which renders a control.

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