Unit 'Graphics' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Loads image data from the specified TRawImage instance.


Source position: graphics.pp line 1337

public procedure TRasterImage.LoadFromRawImage(

  const AIMage: TRawImage;

  ADataOwner: Boolean





Raw image instance loaded in the method.



True if the image owns the raw image data.


LoadFromRawImage is a procedure used to load raw image data in AImage into the class instance.

LoadFromRawImage calls BeginUpdate to increment the update process count, and calls EndUpdate when the image data has been loaded in the method.

LoadFromRawImage calls Clear to free the internal save stream for the class instance, and calls SetSize to reflect an empty image. No additional actions are performed in the method If AImage contains an empty image.

The Image Descriptor in AImage is assigned to the internal TRawImage instance to capture the image metadata.

ADataOwner indicates if the internal TRawImage instance is the owner for the image data in AImage. When set to True, values in AImage data are assigned directly to the pointer to the internal raw image data. Values include the size and content for the image data, the image mask, and the palette. When set to False, storage for values is allocated using GetMem and copied from AImage using the Move routine.

See also


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