Unit 'Forms' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Returns the logical size of the client area on the control.


Source position: forms.pp line 185

protected function TScrollingWinControl.GetLogicalClientRect: TRect; override;

Function result

TRect instance with the client rectangle adjusted for scroll bars visible on the control.


GetLogicalClientRect is an overridden method in TScrollingWinControl; it re-implements the method introduced in the ancestor class. The return value contains the value in the ClientRect property. It ensures that the Right and Bottom members in the return value are updated (when needed) to reflect the current Range values for the respective visible scroll bars.

See also



Hides the scroll bar when False (default True).



The size of the logical display area on the associated control for the scroll bar orientation.



Logical client area, can be bigger than the visible client area.



Size of the client area for the control.

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