Unit 'Forms' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Indicates if the control uses the background from the parent.


Source position: forms.pp line 338

public property TCustomFrame.ParentBackground : Boolean
  default True;


The write access specifier is overridden in TCustomFrame. It calls the inherited method on entry.

If the new property value is True and ParentColor is True, the color assigned to the Parent control is stored in the Color property. Otherwise, Color is set to the value clDefault. The UpdateOpaque method is called to adjust the control style flags for the control.

The default value for the property is True.

See also



Updates control style flags to reflect the transparency for the frame.



Indicates if the control uses the background color from its Parent control.



The background color for the control.



The control within which the control is shown.

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