Unit 'Forms' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Enables smooth scrolling, with automatic adjustment of Increment and Page.


Source position: forms.pp line 160

published property TControlScrollBar.Smooth : Boolean
  read GetSmooth
  write SetSmooth
  default False;


Smooth is a Boolean property that indicates if the associated control is scrolled using an Increment value computed to be 10% of the Page size for the scroll bar. Set Smooth to True when the scroll bar should use a scrolling increment based on the size of the client area in the associated control. When Smooth is set to False, the Increment property determines the size for the scroll operation when the Up or Down arrows are clicked.

Smooth is used in the UpdateScrollBar method, and when set to True causes the value in Increment to be recalculated using the proportional size value. Smooth is relevant when the associated control is descended from TScrollingWinControl.

The default value for the property is False.

See also



Number of pixels the display area is scrolled for scroll bar or mouse wheel movements.



Number of pixels needed for a page on the associated control.



Updates the state and position for the scroll bar on the associated control.



Implements a windowed control with scroll bars.

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