Unit 'ExtCtrls' Package
[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Indicates whether the Icon is drawn by the control (in its widgetset class).


Source position: extctrls.pp line 1461

public property TCustomTrayIcon.ShowIcon : Boolean
  read FShowIcon
  write FShowIcon
  default True;


ShowIcon is a Boolean property which indicates if the image in Icon is displayed when the control is redrawn. The default value for the property is True, and causes the widgetset class for the control to draw the image in Icon when the control is Visible. When set to False, it is assumed that the OnPaint event handler and Canvas are used to draw the Icon in application code.

Remark: The OnPaint event handler is not signalled on the Windows platform.

See also



Canvas for the class instance.



The Icon or picture that displayed on the tray icon.



Event handler signalled to implement custom drawing for the tray icon.



Indicates if the tray icon is displayed in the system tray.

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