Unit 'ExtCtrls' Package
[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Calculates the vertical space needed for a band on the control bar when RowSnap is enabled.


Source position: extctrls.pp line 1609

protected function TCustomControlBar.CalcBandHeightSnapped(

  AControl: TControl





Control on the TCtrlBand instance with the total height used in the method.

Function result

Number of pixels needed for the specified band when RowSnap is enabled.


CalcBandHeightSnapped is an Integer function used to calculate the height for the bands on the control bar when RowSnap is enabled.

The RowSize property contains the height for an individual band, and is used as a divisor to determine the number of visible bands given the overall height for the Control. Space is reserved for borders on each band using the cBandBorderV constant.

The return value contains the space required for the number of visible bands using the calculated row size.

CalcBandHeightSnapped is a called from the CalcBandHeight method when RowSnap is enabled for the control. It is also called from CheckBandsSizeAndVisibility for each of the visible bands on the control bar.

See also



Height used for a band or a row of bands displayed on the control bar.



Indicates if a band or row of bands snaps to the height for the control bar.



Calculates the vertical space needed for a band the control bar.



Updates the size and visibility for TCtrlBand instances defined in the control bar.



The vertical size for the control.

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