Unit 'ExtCtrls' Package
[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Columns is the number of columns in which the Items (check boxes) are arranged.


Source position: extctrls.pp line 901

public property TCustomCheckGroup.Columns : Integer
  read FColumns
  write SetColumns
  default 1;


Columns is an Integer property which specifies the number of columns used to display the check boxes for the grouped edit control. Changing the value in the property causes the UpdateControlsPerLine method to be called. The new value for the property must be a positive non-zero value or an exception is raised.

The value in Columns is used as the number of controls displayed per line in the ChildSizing property.

The default value for the property is 1.

See also



Provides settings used to resize and align child controls using a tabular layout.



Provides settings used to resize and align child controls using a tabular layout.

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