Unit 'Controls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Gets the value for the ControlOrigin property.


Source position: controls.pp line 2271

protected function TWinControl.GetControlOrigin: TPoint; override;

Function result

TPoint instance with the screen coordinates for the Top and Left properties.


GetControlOrigin is overridden in TWinControl to get a window rectangle from the LCL interface. If the Handle for the control has not been allocated, the inherited method is called.

Returns the screen coordinates for the Top and Left coordinate 0,0 of the control area. (The top / left pixel of the control on the screen). Note that this value is the position as stored in the interface and is not always in sync with the LCL. When a control is moved, the LCL sets the bounds to the wanted position and sends a move message to the interface. It is up to the interface to handle moves instantly or to queue them.

See also



Gets the value for the ControlOrigin property.

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