Unit 'Controls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


The Control where the class instance is used.


Source position: controls.pp line 1970

public property TControlChildSizing.Control : TWinControl
  read FControl;


Control is a read-only TWinControl property which contains a reference to the control where the TControlChildSizing is used. Its value is passed as the OwnerControl argument in the Create constructor. Control provides access to properties and methods in the parent control used to resize and/or realign its child controls. This occurs in the Change method when property value(s) in the class instance have been changed.

Control can also be used in the OnChange event handler as needed, but will likely need to be cast to a descendant class type to access it implementation-specific properties and methods.

See also



Constructor for the class instance.



Notifies the Control of the child sizing changes and signals the OnChange event handler.



Event handler signalled when the size or layout for child controls has been changed.

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