Unit 'Controls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Performs actions needed when LCL component streaming has been completed.


Source position: controls.pp line 1481

protected procedure TControl.Loaded; override;


Calls the inherited method on entry.

Ensures that values for Width and Height are available in the Bounds rectangle for the control. Explicit values for Width and Height are not always available in the values loaded using LCL component streaming. When this condition is indicated in the control flags, the ClientWidth and ClientHeight loaded from the resource stream are used in the Bounds for the control.

Ensures that values for Color, Font, BiDiMode, and ShowHint are set to values in the Parent control when enabled in the ParentColor, ParentFont, ParentBiDiMode, and ParentShowHint properties. The values from Parent are omitted when Parent has not been assigned.

Calls UpdateBaseBounds to store the bounds rectangle and client size using the loaded values.

If an Action has been assigned in the control, the ActionChange method is called to ensure that default values from the Action are applied to the control.

If an ancestor control is still loading its child controls, resize and align operations are deferred for the control. Otherwise, the LoadedAll method is called to adjust the sizes and layout for the control.

See also


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